Leftys First Indoor cfl/400w Hps Closet/Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
the grow is looking totally ace bro, loving the setup :mrgreen:

dude i was just wondering how long you waited to put your plants in to a 12/12 cycle?

I'm on my first grow too so i'm not sure but they look alittle small to support the buds...

I waited almost 2 weeks. This is just the first harvest. going for perpetual and my next grow will likely be at min 30 day veg. But that could change.

It will be some time before my plants show any flowers let alone buds. They will get bigger.


Well-Known Member
u could of gotten a bigger one for 40-60 buckes cheaper

I could have done alot of things lol. My wife would not let me. The room I got is already bigger than she would like.

Plus its big enough for 4- 6 flowering plants which is my goal.

Lights will be on in a hr or so. Pics as soon as lights come on


Well-Known Member
Here are some pics from watering a few mins ago. They look so nice when not under the hps.

And They smell already. Not dank yet but like pine. Like some good weed. Not strong just a hint when i go in the closet. I bet this stuff is gonna stink.

I also built as slightly bigger ghetto veg box. This way i can hold a female for cloning. Pictures of that ghetto rig later.

enjoy the weed pics. :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
Quick update. Lights will be on in about an hr. decided to germinate rest of the bag seed from this bag and will throw them straight in the flower room. Run them 12/12 and pull a female or 2 from that batch to be my mother.

At least that is the plan.

Pic in a lil bit


Well-Known Member

Sorry for the delay. Wife finally told me she would like the tent moved to the side of the closet. So got the tent moved now she can use her "side" of the closet.

Day 15/16 since planted

Day 4 of 12/12

Put rest of bagseed from this sack in paper towels on a plate under a bowl on my dvr. When they crack they will go directly into 12/12 tent.

Enjoy the pics





Well-Known Member
Day 16/17 since planted

Day 5 of 12/12

So far 3 of 10 seeds have cracked. Took under 24 hrs.

Smell Is getting stronger. Wife and I determined 3 of the 4 big plants are really smelling. The 4th big one just does not reek like the other ones. I have reattached the carbon filter and need to order a inline fan to boost air flow. Its weird I did not know they would smell so strong already. I love it.

Also Included pic of new tent location in the closet. Enjoy the Pics bongsmilie




Well-Known Member
Day 17/18 since planted

Day 6 of 12/12

Plants are starting to really grow now. I watered 2 of the big ones today. Soil Meter read dry. The other 2 big ones were still slightly moist. Might need a watering tomm. I watered with Ph adjusted water. Ph 6.0-6.5.

I ordered some fox farm nutes and some stuff for cloning. Will start bloom nutes when flowers show.

7 of the last 10 bagseed have germinated. Around 36 hrs germinating. 3 seeds still left germinating. The 7 seeds were planted in soil and put under Hps/CFL 12/12.




Well-Known Member
Day 18/19 since planted

Day 7 of 12/12

Not much change. Kind of boring. No issues with the plants. They look happy and healthy. Getting bigger. No signs of sex yet. Thought the other 2 plants would need watering today but they are still moist per the meter. Makes sense, they are slightly smaller and have more soil in their bags. Maybe tomorrow or the next day. No signs of needing nutes yet. Nutes in soil seem to be sufficient at this point.

Just a fill the humidifier and monitor temp kind of day.

2 small seedlings getting bigger. They love the hps. And no signs of anything from the 7 new planted seeds yet.

Enjoy the pics :grin:




Well-Known Member
Day 19/20 since planted

Day 8 of 12/12

Couple more seeds sprouted. Same as yesterday. Just fill the humidifier and monitor temps.

I see why they call this the boring phase lol. Plants look healthy and happy so I guess i should enjoy the fact that there is no issues.

Enjoy The pics :bigjoint:




Well-Known Member
Day 20/21 since planted

Day 9 of 12/12

Today was a lil more work than yesterday. I planted 3 more germinated seeds. 2 from the bagseed I have been growing and 1 from this other sack that of a half oz only found 1 seed.

Watered some of the plants that were dry. Couple of them been a few days since last watering. I use a moisture meter to determine when to water and the plants seem to respond well to this method.

I also took pics of the 4 big ones in regular light. The hps does them no justice.

Questions and comments appreciated

Enjoy the pics bongsmilie


