Odor Question


Well-Known Member
I've read dozens of odor threads, but I still have to ask this.

An open building, about 4k sqft, no rooms, just a big warhouse type setup, 4 walls ceiling.

2 grow boxe with proper fans and carbon scrubbers. 3 flowering max at any given time, 6-8 clones/mothers in veg box at any given time. 250 hps and 250 mh for lights.

intake air from inside the building, also exhausting inside the building. building has central heat and ac, so air circulation is good, doors get opened often so fresh air is coming in all the time.

maybe putting in one of those automatic air freshners like you see in restrooms as well to help the carbon scrubber.

Now, considering all these things, consider this.......someone walks into this building that has been trained to find stuff like this and smell thingslike this, like it's what they do and based off of scent alone.........will they smell the grow or anything that would set them off. again, properly sealed boxes, carbon scrubber inside each box, and some air freshner and fresh air in the building circulating all the time.

I mean like, ANY chance in hell they will smell it even after it goes through a carbon filter?

and would it be better to dry it in a different location considering the smell issues, or again will a scrubber even kill that?

I know 99.9% of the threads I have read say that the carbon filters work, but really.... how well do they work? They claim 99.5% on the websites I have viewed. So if someone trained to find the smell sticks their nose inside my exhaust and takes a big wiff......is that remaining 0.5% enough for them to pick up on the smell?

this is so stupid I have to worry about things like this, i should be able to have it on my roof for all to see.....and the lighting is better up there anyway lol.


Well-Known Member
yes they work... and why suck a big place with only a few plants? i could do u a 1000SQ f room for you..with no odors and make money and lots of smoke!!!!


Well-Known Member
Some strains stink more than others...

i've also got a carbon filter and can smell the Bubblegum (stinkier than NLX) when I enter the room where my Homebox is. The rest of my place has no odor.

What i've done is use some of those Air Wick electrical plugs that slowly evaporate perfumed oils. They have an odor eliminating one that really works!


I wouldn't put one too close to your grow room as you don't want these perfumes coming to to your bud...

also a lil' Nag Champa incense around the house helps :weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I just had to hear it again I guess so I would feel good about it.....and you are right, I probably would of done it anyway, lol.

I'm not in this for the money because I won't be selling, I'm doing this to have my own personal smoke and to keep from having to give my hard earned money away to dealers who in turn give it to gangs and whatnot. Thats why it's 2 little boxes in a massive building.........its only for me. :) I just want to do all I can to just stay under the radar and just be left alone to enjoy a little smoke.