made that switch a long time ago.
o had alot of trial with this to get it right but now i work with teaspoons and tablespoons mixed right in to soil. i also use this
Flower-tone® 3-5-7
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Per plant use 1/2 of a tablespoon.Dried Blood 12-0-0
Dried Blood is a by-product of meat (rendering factories). It is produced from the blood of beef and pork, which is dried and then ground into a meal. Espoma® Dried Blood is the finest dried blood available. It provides a slow, steady feeding of nitrogen, a primary nutrient which helps to promote rapid growth and deep, dark green color. Espoma® Dried Blood is an ideal supplement for all annuals and perennials. It is an all-natural material approved for organic gardening.
Sizes: Available in 4 and 18 lb. bags
Rates of Application
riple Super Phosphate 0-46-0
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An enriched source of phosphorus; helps stimulate root development and aids in fruit and flower formation; easy to apply granular form; ideal for lawns, trees, shrubs, and vegetables. (5, 20, and 50 lb. Bags)
Sizes: Available in 5 and 38 lb. bags
Per Plant:
- For small plants sprinkle 1 teaspoonful around plant base. If possible work into soil.
Potash 0-0-60
An enriched source of potassium for all plants; aids in developing plant vigor and enhances disease resistance. (5 lbs. Bags)
Sizes: Available in 5 lb. bags
Per Plant:
For small plants sprinkle ½-1 teaspoonful of Potash around base of plant making sure not to expose Sulfate of Potash to plant foliage..