my first journal but its my eight crop!

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i think if you focused your attention on lighting rather than nutes you would yield more and have a overall healthier garden, just wondering, what possesed you to go and buy all those nutes?
i've been trying out different lines of nutes an i was going to end up using the whole line of advanced nutes but it started getting a lil expensive so im switching back to my original method cuz the yeild wasnt that much of a big difference.
i think if you focused your attention on lighting rather than nutes you would yield more and have a overall healthier garden, just wondering, what possesed you to go and buy all those nutes?
yo u dont have to feel bad for shit homegirl! my last plant yeild a lil over a half pound bitch believe that! and whats wrong with my bedroom? what im not allowed to grow in my walk in closet cuz its not cool with u? get da fuck off my page fagott
:spew::confused: I feel bad for your plants bro. they look weak. and the bedroom pic....

whatever homie.. do your thing.
what happen u fags never wrote back afte i emberassed yall on ur own page wit ur false bs u guys dont even know how to grow. askin all those questions.
ur a faggot kid. u obviosly started growing becuase you had no friends and needed to keep yourself busy.
ive seen your posts on a few other peoples threads and its never anything usefull or constructive.

maybe eventually you will put two and two together and realize that you arent getting responses here becuase you are a Fucking Cum Guzling Ass Pirate.

Go die. O ya and acting like a gangster on the internet makes you seem even more unedjucated and immature.
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