name that plant,male/female/shemale you make the call


Well-Known Member
Ok boys and girls,heres one fer ya.You make the call.male,,,female,,,hermi???
take your guess and give your reasons.
Heres the bio of the plant
chemo cindy is the strain,plant is now 5 weeks old and was just transplanted to a 2 gallon pot 4 days ago.Started the sprouts on 3 sets of 40watt cfls on 24hrs untill reaching 4 inches in hieght.Then repotted in f/f ocean forest and put under a 600wt hps on 18/6.Started showing sex 2 days ago.So,,,,you make the call.

Male ???? female ??????? hermi ??????? you make the call bongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Balls&female, balls, balls, balls, female, female, female, female.

First one looks hermie or male, thus balls&female.


Well-Known Member
Yeah,I be seein the same thing.Balls a ball and right before lights out the ball just got bigger so out with the shemale.Whole thing about doing this myself is NO SEEDS so we aint even goin there,,,,gone.The clusters at the very top where poppin hairs out but the 3 balls on the next node down just kept growing a longer stem to the far the count is 1 hermi 2 males and 4 girls.Rest are still not showing.No seed weed :spew:


Active Member
noob question I have a plant that looks extremely similar and is doing the same thing with female and balls on different parts of the plant. I should just go ahead and get rid of it right to prevent the chance of making the rest of my female plants' buds seedy?