First Ever Grow - 10 Gallon DWC - CFL - Stealth Closet


Elite Rolling Society
I'd say your grow is as perfect as can be. The BUSHY plant is very desireable, especially now in this stage. Tells me that you ahve the lights in a good location, or they would be STRETCHING, which is NOT desirable now.
I think the white spots are mineral salts, water drops bouncing up from your water. Just a wild guess.

Do you want some detailed pics and facts on Topping to increase buds and yield? It is time to start topping. I'd suggest you consider Topping now.


Active Member

First off, thanks! I'm glad to hear that, the very bottom, very very first sprout leaf on the one plant is like completely yellow, you can see it in one of the pics I think.

Do you want some detailed pics and facts on Topping to increase buds and yield? It is time to start topping. I'd suggest you consider Topping now.
YES YES YES! I have always been confused in that area, anything that will increase my yield is good to me.


Elite Rolling Society
those first born leaves, the round ones, always die soon.

Essentially there are the same, "Pruning" and "Topping", just two different commonly words used. It is also known to some as "Pinching" as well. In this page it will be refered to it as "Topping"

Topping is done to increase yield and make them bushy, bushy, promote "branching", and increase the overall yeilds of the plants. With higher overall yeilds, a grower will successfully harvest many more budds, or floral clusters, and from smaller, bushier and more compact plants.

To the indoor grower that does not use this technique, but allows their plants to grow tall, it can be a waste of their artificial lighting, and growing spaces potential. With its own natural growth pattern, and without the benifit of topping, your lady will have one main central "khola" budd, at peak flowering. Several other small branches will grow outwards, down its main stalk, with much smaller budd topps.

The natural growth pattern is to grow upwards at its main stalk. From this main central stalk will begin to grow side branches. The side branches come out as tiny shoots with leaves, and usually there are a pair of them on opposite sides of the main central stalk.

When the seed leaves have long dyed off on the main stalk. The first true seed leaves commonly can or will, wilt, dry up, or dye off of the plant as well. Once healthy new vegative growth begins the rate of growth can be very fast, with excellent lighting supplied.

As the new growth increases the light reaching the lower portions of the plants becomes less. Thusly it is common to see first leafs wilting and dying ect. Growers that see leaves wilting or dying, ect, will opt to pulling them off of the plants.

The main central stalk is topped of just above the branches that are coming out below it. A pair of scissors or your fingers can be used. Once the topping is done you can remove the two upper fans leaves as well. This will aid in the light getting to the newer vegative growth, and other shoot tips, down the main central stalk.

There are no rules to where you top your plant or how old it needs to be. As long as your plant has shoots protruding further down the main stalk it is able to be topped. When topped the growth of the plant will be concentrated towards the new, younger vegative shoots.

Once you have topped your plant(s) the younger shoots will rapidly begin growing. With the removal of the main central stalk the lower braches grow more. With topping completed we keep the plants on their regular lighting and feeding schedules.

Now each new shoot tip will essentially grow as the main stalk did, however the growth is not concentrated to only one central stalk. So as each new shoot grows outward new shoots will grow from each one of them stalks as well.

Therefore topping can be done again, and again, and as each shoot becomes a growing tip with other shoots forming down its stalk, it is removed. By completing these topping or pruning tactics, a grower can acheive any desired height, or desired bushiness, they desire in their plants.


Active Member
ok, I get the topping part, but did I understand correct you top AND fim together?? I need to take more pics to show you, theyre so bushy I barely see stems yet, except for that one.


Active Member
At the end of EVERY branch, I FIM.
Every branch? How long does this stun your plants for, if it does? and your plants LOOK HUGE for fimming every branch. You said you veg them for 3 months before turning them over? I use cfl's for my veg and change over to hps but your results are very beautiful for cfl's. What was your overall yeild?


Elite Rolling Society
Every branch?

Look at the pic at my signature; 13 upward branches! FIMind and Topping did that at an early age. I do it at 2, 3 and 4 weeks in the VEG cycle, and I get much more tops.

How long does this stun your plants for, if it does? One day each time.

and your plants LOOK HUGE for fimming every branch. You said you veg them for 3 months before turning them over? No, I VEG 5 weeks.

I use cfl's for my veg and change over to hps but your results are very beautiful for cfl's. What was your overall yeild?
I had 6 plants, one was the biggest I ever grew, and I got 7 ounces of dried manicured bud from the one plant. I had two runts, that gave me about 25 grams each. All and all, I got 15 and half ounces from the 6 plants. I average 3 or 4 ounces per average plant. I'll never mature a runt again.


Active Member
Ahhh, my first problem arises. Yay for me... I havent had time to research fimming, believe it or not I still don't understand it thoroughly enough to start choppin away. Anyway, the edges of the very bottom leaves are burnt, is this a nute problem, heat problem. I just don't know and I hope someone here can help me out. I could really use it.



Active Member
maybe its hot metal burn from the binder??
I know, I know, ghetto as can be.... you can keep the jokes comin, they amuse me as well lol.

Not sure if that was a serious question or not, but the metal rings are actually on the opposite side of the leaves that burnt.

Thanks Roseman, once again, I figured it might be nute burn, I did a full drain and refill 6 days ago and the leaves are just starting to burn now, is that the way it usually happens?

Do I do anything other than drain and fill to stop it?

I'll do another full drain and refill and try to lower the nutes a bit I guess. C'mon, someone donate a PPM meter to me! lol.

Life sucks when your poor, but it doesnt feel so bad when your high!


Elite Rolling Society
I know, I know, ghetto as can be.... you can keep the jokes comin, they amuse me as well lol.

Not sure if that was a serious question or not, but the metal rings are actually on the opposite side of the leaves that burnt.

Thanks Roseman, once again, I figured it might be nute burn, I did a full drain and refill 6 days ago and the leaves are just starting to burn now, is that the way it usually happens?

Do I do anything other than drain and fill to stop it?

I'll do another full drain and refill and try to lower the nutes a bit I guess. C'mon, someone donate a PPM meter to me! lol.

Life sucks when your poor, but it doesnt feel so bad when your high!

Just take out 1/4 of the water and add back the same amount of water, and NO nutes.

I did 4 grows without a ppm meter and did just fine.


Active Member
I did my FIMMING! Or at least I hope I did, I think I cut some that were too short to fim yet but I did for some reason. Others came out looking ok, I hope/think. I could use some opinions!!

I made these thumbnails, so you can click and see the extra large, High Definition, state of the art super macro picture!
If you click through like 3 times through imageshack you see the huge version.

(forgive me, I'm stoned for the first time in 3 days, I usually smoke daily, throughout the day.)

Oh, and I just got a bag o weed from my dealer.... This is $20 USD for 0.8g worth of bud. Now you can see why I would like to grow my own : )
In some defense, it is really good stuff.



Active Member
Ok, more leaves are starting to burn at the edges, what do I do to stop/reverse nute burn? I'll ask google until someone here can give me some advice ; )

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
well if you are sure its nute burn i would cut that for a weak and just flush your whole system with waer because looks like you have nice roots in your water.......................