McDonald's shooting victim wants workers compensation


New Member
What's going to happen is people are going to stop stepping in and helping each other, then the criminals will see this and a mob mentality will form. There will be way too many criminals for the cops to keep up with. Citizens will feel trapped in their homes.

Eventually stangers will be leading little children way from parks and playgrounds and the people who see this will just look the other way, they have their own to worry about. Young men will be attacking senior citizens on the street while people rush by without a glance. It's actually already happening and it's going to get worse. Don't go out without a group for security because you can't trust for a stranger to help you when you're being attacked.


Well-Known Member
one simple solution to all of this -

coneal N carry laws need to be put into effect. whos gonna mug somebody if that somebody could be packing?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
What's going to happen is people are going to stop stepping in and helping each other, then the criminals will see this and a mob mentality will form. There will be way too many criminals for the cops to keep up with. Citizens will feel trapped in their homes.

Eventually stangers will be leading little children way from parks and playgrounds and the people who see this will just look the other way, they have their own to worry about. Young men will be attacking senior citizens on the street while people rush by without a glance. It's actually already happening and it's going to get worse. Don't go out without a group for security because you can't trust for a stranger to help you when you're being attacked.

20/20 or some show like that had a series of "what would you do"---they put some white kids in a park and had them obviously vandalize a car---hardly anyone called the cops, then some black kids did the same thing and everyone called the cops :)


stays relevant.
What's going to happen is people are going to stop stepping in and helping each other, then the criminals will see this and a mob mentality will form. There will be way too many criminals for the cops to keep up with. Citizens will feel trapped in their homes.

Eventually stangers will be leading little children way from parks and playgrounds and the people who see this will just look the other way, they have their own to worry about. Young men will be attacking senior citizens on the street while people rush by without a glance. It's actually already happening and it's going to get worse. Don't go out without a group for security because you can't trust for a stranger to help you when you're being attacked.
Reality sucks, but that's reality for ya. I've stopped enough fights to know that there is no good reason to get involved. Risking your life for a stranger only shows lack of common sense.


Active Member
especially if its a women getting beat to death by some random dude.

you would just watch that? call the cops and wait 15 minutes for them?

for some reason I cant see myself just standing there with my thumb up my ass while some women gets the shit beat out of her by a thug.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
especially if its a women getting beat to death by some random dude.

you would just watch that? call the cops and wait 15 minutes for them?

for some reason I cant see myself just standing there with my thumb up my ass while some women gets the shit beat out of her by a thug.

word---people need to man up :hump:


New Member
I've been looking at butterfly knives. I'm also looking for someone to teach me to shoot and teach me about guns. It's sad to have to be that way, but it's coming down to it.

Of course watching a man attacking a woman and letting it happen shows how cowardly people have become.


New Member
People wonder why no one does the right thing any more. It's because everything is about me, me, me.

We can only hope it happens to you some day and that nobody helps you then as your getting your ass kicked you can think back to this day and think, "damn, I really am an asshole, aren't I. If only someone would stop this mob from kicking me in the head........."
lol ok here we go.. just because ur a woman and I made a comment about how it was the dudes own fault then you have to start talking shit to me? IM gonna tell you this and then im gonna let it go.

A woman has THE MOST power of the two sexes. A woman can hit a man but a man cant hit a woman. Some woman do shit just to get there spouses jealous/angry etc and actually like to be hit. I know its the stupidest thing ever but its true.I would not hesitate to help a woman that is getting beat by some random person.. But if the two ppl are in a relationship I try my very best NOT to get involved.. As I have been saying there are jsut way too many variables involved.. There are men who just like to beat woman and I think those dudes need to be taken to the country and shown what its like to get there ass beat. I mean REALLY BEAT.. But there are woman who bring shit on themselves . Some woman hide behind the fact that there a woman and thefore "untouchable" so they do shit for that reason.The situation with the incedent at mickey d's could have been any number of things.. A pimp and his ho.. A jealous boyfriend/husband.. A crackwhore that stole some dealers rocks ( lol )... An innocent woman getting beat by some faggot that likes to hit woman.. All im saying is, you shouldnt rush to jump into one of the MOST VOLITILE things such as a domestic dispute as you never know what the deal really is.


stays relevant.
it could end up showing your insides too!:clap:
If you want to help someone who's being attacked, assume you may end up seeing your insides as well.

Good point Slik! I'm with you on that one. Why shorten your life expectancy to lengthen someone elses.

This ain't the green mile. :lol:


New Member
I didn't talk shit, I simply wished for you to be in the same situation and for the people watching to act as you say you would act.

Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

You're fine with a man beating a woman and no one helping, but when you think of someone kicking your ass and no one helping you get offended?

WTF is that ?

lol ok here we go.. just because ur a woman and I made a comment about how it was the dudes own fault then you have to start talking shit to me? IM gonna tell you this and then im gonna let it go.

A woman has THE MOST power of the two sexes. A woman can hit a man but a man cant hit a woman. Some woman do shit just to get there spouses jealous/angry etc and actually like to be hit. I know its the stupidest thing ever but its true.I would not hesitate to help a woman that is getting beat by some random person.. But if the two ppl are in a relationship I try my very best NOT to get involved.. As I have been saying there are jsut way too many variables involved.. There are men who just like to beat woman and I think those dudes need to be taken to the country and shown what its like to get there ass beat. I mean REALLY BEAT.. But there are woman who bring shit on themselves . Some woman hide behind the fact that there a woman and thefore "untouchable" so they do shit for that reason.The situation with the incedent at mickey d's could have been any number of things.. A pimp and his ho.. A jealous boyfriend/husband.. A crackwhore that stole some dealers rocks ( lol )... An innocent woman getting beat by some faggot that likes to hit woman.. All im saying is, you shouldnt rush to jump into one of the MOST VOLITILE things such as a domestic dispute as you never know what the deal really is.


New Member
I didn't talk shit, I simply wished for you to be in the same situation and for the people watching to act as you say you would act.

Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

You're fine with a man beating a woman and no one helping, but when you think of someone kicking your ass and no one helping you get offended?

WTF is that ?
omfg.. you are dillusional..CAN YOU READ HONEY?? Do me a fav and go to Mickey D's and grab me a number 3 will ya? hahahaha

I kind of understand your view because ur a woman.. Its sad u cant see mine. Maybe ur one of those woman I was reffering to lol. You know.. The kind that thinks they can get away w/ anything they want to do simply because there female..


Well-Known Member
omfg.. you are dillusional..CAN YOU READ HONEY?? Do me a fav and go to Mickey D's and grab me a number 3 will ya? hahahaha

I kind of understand your view because ur a woman.. Its sad u cant see mine. Maybe ur one of those woman I was reffering to lol. You know.. The kind that thinks they can get away w/ anything they want to do simply because there female..
Don't talk to her like that. It is rude and not acceptable. She is NOT your 'honey' or anything to you. You are showing the true person you are....My guess is you smacked some girl around and she had you locked up and now you are bitter.....Oh well, get over it.