ROLLITUPS Combined smoking years of experience.


Well-Known Member
You started smoking pot when you were 6 years old?

You are joking right? :shock:
I have known a few people that started that young due to hippie parents. When I was 12 I was at my buddies house on christmas day and his parents told us they were going to make it snow.......Well I figured they were just talkin shit because it doesn't snow in the middle of phoenix. Well about 15 minutes later htey came back and dumped out about 4 ounces of coke on the table and we all got down.

I was 12 years old when all that went down. Its fuckin ridiculous what some hippies will do with their children.

I've been smokin for about 14 years now I'd say


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats pretty gnarley. So you were just kicking back rails with this guys parents on christmas at twelve lol.


Well-Known Member
Wow, thats pretty gnarley. So you were just kicking back rails with this guys parents on christmas at twelve lol.
Pretty much. I mean they weren't massive lines as I was 12 but it got me started down a horrible path. I was a coke head for about 4 and a half years stealin shit to get money. Im just lucky I could always come up with enough money and never resorted to meth.


Well-Known Member
5 years at least... but I smoke enough for 3 people everyday :P ... so sign me up for... I'll be generous 10 :D


Well-Known Member
I'll piss myself if somehow we can beat what the written history of human race is.


Well-Known Member
I took my first puff in college in 1986, but I did not smoke the entire time since that night in the Frat House. Some years on and some years off.

How should I calculate this?

23 years or the number of years I actually smoked actively since then?