Safe, reliable seed banks that deliver to the USA


Well-Known Member
Been Emailing a place in the UK called Goldenseeds.. Ever heard of it? Wondering if it's safe? Anyone here have any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I have seen that website... They have a few different methods, how did you pay? I figured the cash way would be the less traceable from authorities... Do they have any autoflower strains? I plan on using an Aerogarden, with a few supplemental lights.. Hit me back up...


Well-Known Member
look through the seedbank review section. a few quick suggestions are nirvana, attitude, dr chronic, world of seeds, and elite genetics (based in indiana). i have ordered from all of them but nirvana with great success.


Active Member
I have seen that website... They have a few different methods, how did you pay? I figured the cash way would be the less traceable from authorities... Do they have any autoflower strains? I plan on using an Aerogarden, with a few supplemental lights.. Hit me back up...
Nirvana shop stealth ships the product and the credit card purchases show up on your statements under a different company name that is completely stealth.