Are these the man balls?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Keep watching the areas I circled. Those lumps look like the beginning of preflowers but still too early to tell male/female



Well-Known Member
Patience, grasshopper. Eight days into flower is not terribly long.

With any luck you may see signs of sex soon, but other variables beyond light cycles are at work.

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
Patience, grasshopper. Eight days into flower is not terribly long.

With any luck you may see signs of sex soon, but other variables beyond light cycles are at work.

Good luck and good growing.
Hey Johnny :) LOL exactly my thoughts too :hump: Believe this one bro, I got - rep for telling someone good luck. Years ago, I do remember hearing a
chaplain preaching about there is no such thing as luck and luck is the work of the devil. I guess it came back to haunt me.

Boris, you should start seeing something within the next week. Dont chop until you are 100% sure its a male.


Well-Known Member
Hey Johnny :) LOL exactly my thoughts too :hump: Believe this one bro, I got - rep for telling someone good luck. Years ago, I do remember hearing a
chaplain preaching about there is no such thing as luck and luck is the work of the devil. I guess it came back to haunt me.

Boris, you should start seeing something within the next week. Dont chop until you are 100% sure its a male.
Hey Bone. Yeah, I remember in Sunday School some dingleberry teacher telling the class that saying 'good luck' was wrong, because the word luck was derivative of the name Lucifer. :rolleyes:

Mind you, this may have been the same person who said that Jesus turned water into grape juice not wine, because they did not know how to ferment in biblical times. The lies I was told in Sunday School probably did more to turn me away from the faith of my childhood than anything else. LOL!

Back to topic, it's tempting to want to rush the growing process. But it's nature, and we are already coaxing nature into a speedier harvest by growing indoors and manipulating light cycles.


Well-Known Member
Sorry man that might be a hermaphrodite. Don't give up hope yet, maybe that ball on a stick will spit out some white hairs. If not you can still grow it out and get some decent smoke, just try and pick of as many male flowers as you can. There's my two cents, peace.:weed:


Well-Known Member
It's kinda funny how many here don't get the there's, ie:they're/their/there, yet can spell hermaphrodite w/o a second thought!

If you pinch the few confirmed male parts off, they very well could stop coming, as is the case with three BBerry clone hermies I'm budding now (no sign of hermie any longer, after picking off for a month.


Well-Known Member
It's kinda funny how many here don't get the there's, ie:they're/their/there, yet can spell hermaphrodite w/o a second thought!

If you pinch the few confirmed male parts off, they very well could stop coming, as is the case with three BBerry clone hermies I'm budding now (no sign of hermie any longer, after picking off for a month.
Dude, I'm pretty sure I used the right "there's", as in "there is my two cents." Check yourself.


Well-Known Member
"They're" is the conjunction for they are, and "their" implies ownership, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
LOL, thedankness is right. "there's" for "there is" - made sense to me.

I'm wondering if this is boris' only plant. If so, or if all of your plants are herm, then just grow em out. Hermie bud is better than no bud at all and can be very good smoke. You just have to pick out some seeds. Otherwise, if you have any true females or some other plants coming down the line than I would ditch it.


Well-Known Member
"They're" is the conjunction for they are, and "their" implies ownership, I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure...
Wrong! A conjunction is a part of speech that connects two words, phrases or clauses together. A contraction is a shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of internal letters.

It's true that "their" and its forms are often misused in the common vernacular. There's = there is. Their's= it belongs to them. However, it's = it is. Its= it belongs to it.

Ugh, sorry to go on like that. Time for a bowl.

TheDankness was correct the first time.