Wow dude, looking really good. I guess I'll keep takin' your advice.
I just quickly reread this whole thread and I"m gonna give myself some props. I forgot how bad of start these things got.
I picked up these clones as they were available at the store and I was told they were OG (I was skeptical, but the guy at the store was like "No, for real OG" (he's a fuckin' liar, but what do you expect from a legalized drug dealer?").
I bought them, with none of equipment setup, no grow room and really nowhere to put them.
Literally while I was driving home from the store my buddy sends me a text that says "suprise". I respnded with "what?" and he said "your a daddy, I just dropped off some little girls at your place".
Ohh he dropped off 4 indica looking clones and decided fuck it, I'll grow 10 then.
They sat until the weekeind on a plate on my bathroom floor under a floro.
I still had a bunch of equpment in my garage and at friends houses (loaned out) so I started gathering it all back up and couldn't locate my trimeter. I borrowed a friends and got things started. Well his meter was FUCKED up and not calibrated AT ALL and he didn't have the probes in solution, I mean just fucked up.
So I fucked up my plants straight away with bad PH readings, bad PPM readings, everything was fucked up. I caught on REAL fast what was happening, fixed the meter and got shit back on point.
After having sat too long outside of rockwool cubes with no where for the roots to go and light hitting the roots as they became exposed they were showing all kinds of problems.
Regardless, they got better, I let thim sit for almost a week, lost another week in correcting problems and managed to still get my veg in 3 weeks. I wanted the plants to be bigger by 3 weeks, but they had issues.
And now here we are today and my plants are beautiful and they are looking good. I am really happy with both strains, I love Sativa's so it doesn't phase me that the OG's aren't OG's and the 4 indica's look pretty. I don't know what strains I'm growing, they both look awesome and I hope the sativa does what the sativas usually do and just PRODUCE, while the indica should give me a hearty amount of quality shit.
Sorry for the long rant, just stoned and went back through this thread and I thought, DAMN...not a bad grow, wish it would've been thought out before hand so I didn't have some of the problems, but we're all golden now.