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Crews in Anderson County took to the air and ground on Monday searching for marijuana.
"They have 95 counties to work and few days to do it, so it's a hurried thing," Anderson County Sheriff Paul White said.
It's a hurried process with a whole lot of time hanging around, as surveillance is in progress. Crews stood by in Clinton on Monday just waiting for a sign of the pot from above.
"Anywhere that it's growing, it's going to be visible from the air, unless it's an inside grow," White said.
About a dozen members of the Governor's Task Force on Marijuana Eradication and the Anderson County Sheriff's Department teamed up to tackle the drugs.
"This was real easy access. As a matter of fact, you won't find it much easier access than this," White said.
Once helicopters spotted the plants' trademark blueish and fuzzy leaves from the sky, they radioed ground crews with its exact location.
"Sometimes it can be booby-trapped. They'll have snare pits. If you step on it, there will be prongs coming out of the ground that go into your ankle and leg," White said.
After a site in the Dutch Valley area of the county was ruled safe, investigators invited our camera in for a peak. The bust uncovered close to a dozen plants. One of them stood at least five feet tall. "This is basically the stepping stone. It's the first step of the stepping stone to go to harsher drugs most the time," White said.
The crews on Monday chopped the marijuana and will eventually burn it.
Several months of growing is gone is in minutes, but the area isn't left completely empty.
"Sometimes we leave a calling card to let them know we got it. If they want to call and talk to us about it, we will gladly do that," White said.
Sheriff White said in the last 20 years, at least three people have taken him up on the offer.
The Governor's Task Force on Marijuana Eradication searches for marijuana from mid-May to mid-October. That's the plants' prime growing time. Numbers are still below average because of the drought, but they are up from last year.
I wanna do outdoors but I don't live very far from that county and that is troubling me...opinions people??
"They have 95 counties to work and few days to do it, so it's a hurried thing," Anderson County Sheriff Paul White said.
It's a hurried process with a whole lot of time hanging around, as surveillance is in progress. Crews stood by in Clinton on Monday just waiting for a sign of the pot from above.
"Anywhere that it's growing, it's going to be visible from the air, unless it's an inside grow," White said.
About a dozen members of the Governor's Task Force on Marijuana Eradication and the Anderson County Sheriff's Department teamed up to tackle the drugs.
"This was real easy access. As a matter of fact, you won't find it much easier access than this," White said.
Once helicopters spotted the plants' trademark blueish and fuzzy leaves from the sky, they radioed ground crews with its exact location.
"Sometimes it can be booby-trapped. They'll have snare pits. If you step on it, there will be prongs coming out of the ground that go into your ankle and leg," White said.
After a site in the Dutch Valley area of the county was ruled safe, investigators invited our camera in for a peak. The bust uncovered close to a dozen plants. One of them stood at least five feet tall. "This is basically the stepping stone. It's the first step of the stepping stone to go to harsher drugs most the time," White said.
The crews on Monday chopped the marijuana and will eventually burn it.
Several months of growing is gone is in minutes, but the area isn't left completely empty.
"Sometimes we leave a calling card to let them know we got it. If they want to call and talk to us about it, we will gladly do that," White said.
Sheriff White said in the last 20 years, at least three people have taken him up on the offer.
The Governor's Task Force on Marijuana Eradication searches for marijuana from mid-May to mid-October. That's the plants' prime growing time. Numbers are still below average because of the drought, but they are up from last year.
I wanna do outdoors but I don't live very far from that county and that is troubling me...opinions people??