Possibly Purple Indica?


Active Member
Yeah this one is a seedling got it from some good stuff It's got a purple stem and Purple under the leaves it's real stubby and about 1 and a half weeks old.

Is that an Indica and I wonder if the purples healthy cause the plant seems to be healthy



Well-Known Member
The purple stems are probably being caused by a potassium deficiency, maybe due to ph fluctuation. Purple stems in no way indicate that you have a true purple strain. In fact, usually the purple color on purple strains doesn't come out until late in flower. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
you got some dark green droopy leaves..
you using tap water? monitoring PH? Dankness is correct though... purple leaves don't mean anything... flowering can produce purple buds and purple hued leaves around the buds, but i still don't think the leaves turn purple like that on most strains... but if you found the seed in some good, then be hopeful =)


Well-Known Member
Yeah after looking at the pics again, I can almost guarantee your ph is off. That plant is too young to need any nutrients added, so there really shouldn't be a deficiency yet unless there is some ph lockout going on. Plus, that soil looks like its from your backyard, so the chances of an unstable ph are that much higher. Get yourself a ph control kit from a local pet store and get that ph to about 6.5(slightly acidic).


Active Member
Thanks for the input the only reason I wonder is cause the stems been purple since sprouting and the soil's been flushed and it's MG cactus soil and I only use water thats been sitting open for a few days


Active Member
Thanks for that info also noted 3 other plants all the same soil same lights same area and the other 3 are all green including one of them being the same seed as the purple.