NORML Breaking News: California Assemblyman Introduces Legislation To Tax And Regulat


Well-Known Member
Where does it say you can grow your own?Growing your own will still be illegal!Instead of the DEA it will be the IRS kicking down your doors for manufacturing un taxpaid mj.
Tax & regulate?FUCK TAX & REGULATE!
I am free,
The sun is free,
The rain is free,
The earth is free
All I need, nature has provided,
would you rather keep dodging everything just to toke or would you rather have it taxed ?
i choose B


Well-Known Member
i am totally moving outta here and to a medical marijuana state... unless there is a cheap ass cali county i can move to...


Well-Known Member
i am totally moving outta here and to a medical marijuana state... unless there is a cheap ass cali county i can move to...
That's what Im saying where a easy place in cali to relocate to, Im gettin out the military this year and would love to move to cali, somewhere more towards the north end of cali (love the outdoors, I can do without the beach and city's) So if anyone know's of a nice lil place in cali thats not to expensive to live in and has a decent job base please share.


Well-Known Member
totally.. ill stake it out in northern cali till my states legalizes it medically

That's what Im saying where a easy place in cali to relocate to, Im gettin out the military this year and would love to move to cali, somewhere more towards the north end of cali (love the outdoors, I can do without the beach and city's) So if anyone know's of a nice lil place in cali thats not to expensive to live in and has a decent job base please share.


Well-Known Member
Wow, only way that will pass is if all the stoners that were too stoned to get off the couch actually did something. Including me haha. And even then, I don't think I'd bet on it. Still some major progress.


Well-Known Member
Wow, only way that will pass is if all the stoners that were too stoned to get off the couch actually did something. Including me haha. And even then, I don't think I'd bet on it. Still some major progress.
you forget the history of california . . . it was the first state to introduce medical marijuana.


Well-Known Member
True, but if gay people can't do it (and gay people are VERY enthusiastic) it doesn't bode well for pot people. Although it dominated the topics people posted on Obama's bullshit. It will be interesting to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
This is perfect timing for california to introduce this bill... today obamas attorney general just publically said that he wont raid anymore pot shops...but i heard that arnold isnt for this legalization bill... maybe i heard wrong

If arnold is for this bill.. then we are going to legalize it in cali

you forget the history of california . . . it was the first state to introduce medical marijuana.

Big P

Well-Known Member
This is perfect timing for california to introduce this bill... today obamas attorney general just publically said that he wont raid anymore pot shops...but i heard that arnold isnt for this legalization bill... maybe i heard wrong

If arnold is for this bill.. then we are going to legalize it in cali

well sombody better start building a fire in arnold schwarzenegger's ass so he signs it, dont let that meathead mess this shit up, it will be over for him as gov if he doesnt.

does anyone know for sure his stance on the bill?


Well-Known Member
check this out:

Want To Know Why Pot Is Still Illegal? Ask Your Governor

October 1st, 2008 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director
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Marijuana law reformers, myself included, have spilled volumes of ink commenting on the numerous reasons and vested interests responsible for the continued prohibition of cannabis. But while these lengthy writings may be worthwhile intellectual exercises, I fear that they overlook the obvious.
That’s why, right now, I’d like to give you seven specific reasons why the use of cannabis by adults — including seriously ill patients — remains a crime in America. Ready? Here they are:
Governor Donald Carcieri (R-Rhode Island)
Governor James Douglas (R-Vermont)
Governor Linda Lingle (R-Hawaii)
Governor John Lynch (D-New Hampshire)
Governor Tim Pawlenty (R-Minnesota)
Governor Jodi Rell (R-Connecticut)
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-California)
Each of these Governors have single-handedly opted to kill marijuana law reform legislation in their states — either by the stroke of a pen (Carcieri, Lingle, Rell, Schwarzenegger) or by applying enough legislative pressure to abruptly halt ‘pro-pot’ proposals from ever reaching their desk. (In fairness to Gov. Douglas, he has allowed both medical marijuana and hemp law reform bills to become law without his signature.) Governors Carcieri and Schwarzenegger are multiple offenders — having combined to veto half a dozen marijuana-law reform bills in recent years.
Want to know why pot remains illegal in America? You can start by asking your Governor.

well sombody better start building a fire in arnold schwarzenegger's ass so he signs it, dont let that meathead mess this shit up, it will be over for him as gov if he doesnt.

does anyone know for sure his stance on the bill?


Well-Known Member
So this is for the complete and utter legalization and taxation of all forms of marijuana. Both medical and recreational use. Lets hope it passes with flying colors!