Let's see how big, Day 1 flower


Well-Known Member
This is a clone cut on Oct 10 and in veg untill Feb 7.

I put it in last night it's around 30"+ I gess about 55" will see.



Well-Known Member
I'm out of town and MrsRocket is tending the garden.

These are the pics she sent me.

MrsRocket can all ready see 1/2" long white hair pairs all over her.

It look like she is starting to reach for the lights so it's a good thing I return home soon. I can lower this plant 10" (she's on a stand) and raise the light a couple feet still. So long as she stay under 6' - 4" i'm ok.

She has been toped 3 times so height may not be the direction I am worried about.

The Flower Chamber

As you can see it's small 3.5' x 3.75' x 8.8'. I have thee grow projects.

Upper left is a 12/12 from seed to harvest. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/151253-12-12-seed-harvest-1-a.html

Forground is her sister clone about 2 mouths less of veg time. She went into flower at 18". This one was just over 30" when I left. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/159182-crop-rotation.html

And the feature plant in this thread is in back.

this is their sister harvested just befor I left. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/159300-harvest.html

5 confirmed girs in 12/12 grow. https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/151253-12-12-seed-harvest-1-a.html