Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
Moorning folks ................................... Its 10 degree's outside ......
G'Day.... yeah what is it with this shit weather... we had a blizzard yesterday...... :sad:

Good morning!!!!Kid's got a doc appt today, but I'm thinking of not taking her.It's taking too long to get rid of these plantars warts on her foot, and it hurts her a lot.I'm gonna see if the insurance will cover a dermatologist.They numb you up and use a cauterizing gun.It actually works.
Ouch ...............

Warts .. I bet it scares kids getting them removed
They use dry ice, and those fucking things are tender!I had a wart on my hand about six years ago that they did that to, and I said fuck that and payed for a dermatologist to do it.It never came back after he did it.
I had a cluster taken off my hand when I was a kid ,,They scraped it off ..never came back
I had a bunch under my toes and one big single one in the middle of my palm... (I heard that tips..!!). the one in my hand I had surgery... with the masks and the whole bit..... the ones on the toes were the grimmest when taken off..first they were on 3 toes so I got needles in 3 toes... plus the sizzle & smell when they burnt them was pretty ugly......:spew:


Well-Known Member

Warts, eh? Never had them, thank goodness! They sound PAINFUL, ouch! Stoney sorry your little one is going through that, it sounds terrible.:(


New Member
Skip the doc and head for the dermaloligist. The doctor just wants to keep you coming back to rake in fees. Head for the specialist, you'll get more accomplished.


Well-Known Member
I don't know how it is where Stoney is, but, here you will wait 6+ months for an appt. with the dermatologist...I don't know why. It was the same way in Maryland. But, if the wait isn't that long, I would go to a dermatologist too.


Well-Known Member
i been kinda out of it... the diabetes has been really messing with me lately. but other than that, i been ok. how you doing?


New Member
Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon ! I'm good, boring and sick of winter and fed up with the state of the economy and our would be leaders, but I'm all in one piece and have weed in my bong, what more could I want?


New Member
Have you ever been smoking up and you get a hit that tastes so much defferent and better than the rest of the hits? I just had one of those, a really nice sweet hit. Yum............