New Jersey State Senate passes Medical Marijuana bill 22 to 16


Active Member
Yay for people in Jersey !!!
It's not a done deal yet it's still got to pass the Assembly. All you Garden Staters out there start emailing your Assemblymen. Ask them to vote "YES" for the Compassionate Use of Medical Marijuana. If enough peolpe write in they'll have no choice but to vote "YES." And every Assemblyman and woman is up for re-election this year, so now is the time to act.

Polls in N.J. indicate that 86% of the registered voters support this legislation. MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD. THE TIME HAS COME FOR MARIJUANA REFORM.


Active Member
WE are making progress hester. Let's keep it going. If you live in the States write to your State politicians. Get them to consider Medical Marijuana. The TIME IS NOW. With a changing attitude in DC and Cali introducing legislation to LEGALIZE we are making great strides. I never thought that I would say this but I think that this is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE now. If tight-assed N.J.(I'm from N.J. so I'm alowed to say that LOL) is considering it more will follow. Start emailing your Legislators today, no matter what state you live in. THE DAYS OF PERSECUTION MUST END NOW.


Active Member
Welcome to the fight, the rest of us have been fighting it for years............
Wow. Harsh. I didn't know I had to post here to be considered "in the fight."

Wish I heard more people sayin, " Yeah man, I wrote to my State Senator and Assemblyman about it," and less, "You don't have enough posts to qualify for this fight." Oh well....bongsmilie


New Member
Well some of us have been e-mailing Senators and Representatives for years. I know I have and in fact just sent one off minutes ago about the MMJ bill in my state, it's been shot down a number of times, but I'm feeling lucky this year. :peace: