white russian,dwc, hps.. first time


Well-Known Member
i transplanted one of mine yesterday,how stressful is that for a plant 23 days flowering,im gonna have to do it to another one to,and this one i burned,thats a noobs diary



Well-Known Member
not overly sure but i know when damage is done in flowering it will effect the yeild and the plant doesnt really recover jsut keeps goin til the end


Well-Known Member

hopefully by the hydroponic guy i have 8 days left of flower then 8 days of flush left from here , what do you guys think ... i just lowerd the light a tad i see theyve been stretching rather then budding this weekend so,,,, and diamond nectar tomorrow,..... any good tips how to folior feed plants diamond nectar..... full dose , spray under leaves try to keep it off the buds ??? because bud rot and possible shitty taste from the stuff on the bud.... or do i just go spray happy..... lol help a brother out



Well-Known Member
day 35 of flowering , one week of the 400 w hps so far .... 1000 w alone for the 2 weeks before that... im expecting to harvest in 16 - 22 days... flushing in 8 - 14 days what do you guys think


Well-Known Member
and with dwc, are you supposed to put strait water in the bucket for the last 8 days ..... ?? and when should i start flushing , and do i leave it dark for the last 2 days to force out trichomes, and when i harvest..... do i cutoff all the big branches, cutoff everyhting with stems , hang it on strings until kinda dry on the tips, breakoff the nugs from the stumps lol cutoff hte rest of the green and finish trimming , and leave them to dry for remainding days on chicken wire drying until nice dryness, then cure for 2 weeks , opening it 3 times a day for an hour each time for the first week... and once a day for a week after that , then just a few times a week after that for as long as you want .... sound about right or do you have better ideas??????????????


Well-Known Member
im a newbie all i can tell u is hope mine get at least near that,usualy what w/g ratio do u get from your grows


Well-Known Member
lol thread name buddy , first time ..... i only tried once before in soil ... i was using table spoons instead of tspoons and burnt the shit out of them , last one tha lives manage to come back and do good after a shit storm of pain lol and turned out fucking male........ can you beleive it so this is the first time ive seen nugs and im so scared those pistal and thc glands look like males sometimes lol just by glimpse but there just swollen calyxes showing a sign of maturing lol fuck i cant wait


Well-Known Member
nice man ul be happy as shit in a few weeks , beware the smell lol its going down the hallway of the apt lol its awsome , but its stroong and its sweet and tangy , like candy in my nose punching flavours into my nose hairs ...... youl see .... u too raider .... shit white russians lookin like it could be decent lol i seen somewhere its for headahces and chronic pain and insomnia in medical patients .... sounds good lol


Well-Known Member
lol thread name buddy , first time ..... i only tried once before in soil ... i was using table spoons instead of tspoons and burnt the shit out of them , last one tha lives manage to come back and do good after a shit storm of pain lol and turned out fucking male........ can you beleive it so this is the first time ive seen nugs and im so scared those pistal and thc glands look like males sometimes lol just by glimpse but there just swollen calyxes showing a sign of maturing lol fuck i cant wait
i forgot about that,i know how u fell this my first time and im exstatic just hope it turns out well,this shit is so adictiv nobody ever tells u,if i had a 1000m house now it would be 900m2 grow room and a 100 for mw if not less,shit i started in a dresser in my room now my whole bedrooms a growroom and i made a flower room from my bathroom


Well-Known Member
ur in for a trip buddy ahahaha , wow nice , yeah i started in a closet... got too hot, did rubbermaid , turned male, build a small room , wasnt good enough, now theres a 55 inch x 65 inch room and theres a 4x4 goin up for younger ones to offset harvests lol


Well-Known Member
woooo, the hairs are turning orange all over the plants , id say like 5 percent is amber, light orange il try to et some pics the cam battery is dying lol woooooo any estimate on days left ????? when should i flush in dwc???? il foliar feed right before lights go off tonight... i lowerd the light to 2 feet above them ..... it almost looks like the baby is getting nute burn but its at 2.2 with dr thornby so its average its where i want it and know its safe.. and theres lots of water in there about an inch under the pot and lots of bubble ph normal il get some pics too theres a bit of yellowing around the canopy of most of the plants too any ideas or is it just cuz its coming to an end