Their are only 30 drugs that interact with weed, and none of the drugs you mentioned will cause your friend a problem. The only issue I would mention is Abilify is a "munchies" drug, and this would cause obvious minor issues with marijuana.
I will also mention that if your friend is being treated with 3 different medications, than the Bi-Polar is rather serious. It would probably be a bad plan for them to try to move to Marijuana as their only treatment. Bi-Polar is a very serious chemical imbalance, and Marijuana has little direct effect on the neurotransmitters involved in Bi-Polar disorder.
Here are a few things to be careful about. Marijuana is a depressant, and for some folks, it makes depression worse. That does not happen to everyone, but it is possible. Furthermore, Mania tends to make your judgment less than wonderful, and most folks tend not to make the best decisions when they are high lol.
On a positive side, Marijuana will help ALOT with the irritability that often comes with Mania. Some of the drugs your friend is taking will cause some stomach issues, and Marijuana has a wonderful track record with that. Being high feels like a big hug, and that is good medicine for anybody.
Overall, I would say your friend could use Marijuana to help with the various mood issues associated with Bi-Polar, but it would be a good idea to take it slow. I would make sure to smoke with them just in case they get overly depressed/freak out.
Best wishes to your friend