Intelligent design

Jointsmith always can be counted on to come through with an intelligent response.... well done. :clap:

Stop being more informed than other people!!! Stop the hate!!

out. :blsmoke:
Jointsmith always can be counted on to come through with an intelligent response.... well done. :clap:

Stop being more informed than other people!!! Stop the hate!!

out. :blsmoke:

Ha ha, more informed?

There is about as much 'proof' (read information as there is NO SUCH THING AS PROOF) for We Love 1's argument as there is against.... so what right has ANYONE to say what IDEA's are valid or not.

Intellegent Response!?! Have you read YOUR contribution to this thread, you have not presented any information or ideas of any merit, only your poorly thought out, often one line, Jibes at other users.

Evidently from your posts you don't actually know what an intellegent response is.
Heres a good one....


Get ready for it...... Crackers next line >>>

"I know you are but what am I?"

HAHA I haven't used that one since like the second grade.

P.S. Thanks for looking out JointSmith, I'm glad some people can still discern the difference between swine and peals. I thought this was a website for fun loving, weed smoking, humble new age "hippies", but theres bad apples where ever You go I guess. I just try and ignore the ignorance instead of letting them bring Me down to their level.


impossible. the speed of light is about the only absolute in the universe.

That's what they said about the speed of sound in the early days of flight.

And actually the Speed of Light is not constant. It varies depending on the medium. Perhaps you were not paying attention to the news when it was reported that scientists found a way to halt light using a crystal matrix and extremely low temperatures.
It's fine to speculate, it's healthy and good...but I don't want religious speculation injected into public schools.:peace:
It's good of you to inform us of 'the point' of this PUBLIC discussion.

You know, I think it is OK to speculate in a discussion about INTELLIGENT DESIGN, no one is pretending to KNOW anything, except YOU.

The Evolution of OUR species still has large (so far unexplained) Gaps in it (Homo Erectus and Modern man are distinctly different species).

Speculation and 'What if's' are good for you, stop hating on people just because you're closed off to any idea's that you can't test out straight away.

I guess it's a symptom of this 'instant gratification' soiciety we live in.
That's what they said about the speed of sound in the early days of flight.

And actually the Speed of Light is not constant. It varies depending on the medium. Perhaps you were not paying attention to the news when it was reported that scientists found a way to halt light using a crystal matrix and extremely low temperatures.

so you reckon you can exceed the speed of light?
Heres a good one....


Get ready for it...... Crackers next line >>>

"I know you are but what am I?"

HAHA I haven't used that one since like the second grade.


You just did...well done. :clap: You may now join Jointsmith in the genius column. Both of your intellects are just too intimidating .... :lol: oh my...

out. :blsmoke:
impossible. the speed of light is about the only absolute in the universe.

I was watching a show on Natgeo the other day and they were saying that wormholes and warp drives are possible using Einstins equations of relativity. Let Me do a quick search.


" Two such ideas are space drives and wormholes. Both seem to be theoretically possible at this time, and both are far out our technical reach. Miguel Alcubierre thought up one popular idea for a warp drive. Miguel, a theoretical physicist from Mexico, specializes in numerical relativity. In 1994 he published a paper called “The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel within General Relativity” which described a way for an object to move at speeds greater than the speed of light. The basic idea behind the Alcubierre warp drive is to greatly expand space-time behind the ship, and greatly contract it in front of the ship.

Warp Field Diagram​

The expanded space-time region would push the ship forward, while the contracted region would pull it in the same direction, resulting in somewhat of a galactic
Surf ship. There are some interesting properties of the Alcubierre warp drive. First is that a ship traveling at the center of the warped space would be at rest with the surrounding space-time area, so that while the ship may be traveling at faster than light speeds to an outside observer, there would be no relativistic mass increase or time dilation effects. The ship will also not be experiencing any acceleration effects or tidal forces. (1)
There are however, some problems that we must overcome before we can use this warp drive to travel the galaxy. One of them is that we have no way of producing such extreme curves in space-time. The only way we know of to curve space is to use mass, but the Alcubierre warp drive would require enormous amounts of mass. Second, is the requirement of negative mass-energy, which at this time we have absolutely no idea how to create, or even if it can be created.
A wormhole is a tunnel that connects two distant regions of space, creating the possibility of traveling across the universe in an extremely short amount of time. A wormhole, also known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or Schwartzschild wormhole, comes from general relativity using “Schwartzschild geometry” to describe the behavior of space-time around a black hole. Wormholes are predicted to occur naturally, but they are extremely unstable and should close before even a few photons can pass through. There are different theories for how to stabilize wormholes and use them for travel purposes.
The wormhole theory from Michael Morris and Kip Thorne was first published in 1988, after Morris did his PhD thesis under Thorne at Caltech. Morris-Thorne wormholes are tunnels that can be created using planet-size masses and stabilizing electric fields. To keep the wormhole open, the electric fields must be strong enough to offset the extreme gravitational forces that at the mouth of the wormhole.

Wormhole Diagram​

There are some theoretical requirements with Morris-Thorne wormholes that need to be figured out before we can begin galaxy hopping. The first is that the mass-energy requirements are enormous; this includes the negative energies that will need to be in balance with the gravitational energies to keep the wormhole stable. Also, the mouth of the wormhole would have a large tidal force, strong enough that it would probably destroy any traveler that tried to pass through. (2)
Another wormhole idea comes from Matt Visser. Visser’s wormholes require cutting two similar holes in space-time and sewing the edges together. It would need some sort of exotic matter with negative mass to support the wormhole to keep it open. A Visser wormhole, because of the negative-mass struts would have a total mass that is small and would therefore not have the same tidal forces that Morris-Thorne wormholes have. (2)
Wormholes could allow future groups of humans to travel across the universe in a short time without violating special relativity. To an outside observer, it would look like the ship traveled at speeds many times more than that of light, but within the wormhole, the ship actually traveled below the speed of light because the distance of travel through the wormhole is far less than going to the same point through normal space.
With wormholes, the possibility for time travel also exists. If a wormhole was created and one end of the wormhole accelerated to near light speed for enough time so that, the time dilation effect put it one year behind the stationary end. Then if it were placed next to the stationary end, it would create a wormhole that could send light or objects one year into the past or future. Steven Hawking and other theorists have claimed that this cannot happen because it would violate the principle of causality. Causality states that a cause must precede its effects in time sequence in all space-time reference frames. (3) If the cause happened after the effect, it will violate the causality principle and would destroy the wormhole.
Wormholes and warp drives create unfathomable possibilities for the human race in the future. It could allow for the discovery of new planets, matter, even life in distant parts of the universe. Future generations of dreaming children and science fiction writers could realize their dreams and visions of crisscrossing the universe searching for answers to questions that before could only be theorized about. For now, the human race is limited to only looking to distant parts of the universe, but in the future it could be possible to go to all of those places that exist only in pictures, data records, and the dreams of children."

But who knows? Its possible that We could have shot down some UFOs and have been reverse engineering thier super advanced technology in maybe Area 51. We all know that the gov't lies and keeps secrets.


I was watching a show on Natgeo the other day and they were saying that wormholes are possible using Einstins equations for relativity.

" Two such ideas are space drives and wormholes. Both seem to be theoretically possible at this time, and both are far out our technical reach. Miguel Alcubierre thought up one popular idea for a warp drive. Miguel, a theoretical physicist from Mexico, specializes in numerical relativity. In 1994 he published a paper called “The Warp Drive: Hyper-Fast Travel within General Relativity” which described a way for an object to move at speeds greater than the speed of light. The basic idea behind the Alcubierre warp drive is to greatly expand space-time behind the ship, and greatly contract it in front of the ship.

Warp Field Diagram

The expanded space-time region would push the ship forward, while the contracted region would pull it in the same direction, resulting in somewhat of a galactic
Surf ship. There are some interesting properties of the Alcubierre warp drive. First is that a ship traveling at the center of the warped space would be at rest with the surrounding space-time area, so that while the ship may be traveling at faster than light speeds to an outside observer, there would be no relativistic mass increase or time dilation effects. The ship will also not be experiencing any acceleration effects or tidal forces. (1)
There are however, some problems that we must overcome before we can use this warp drive to travel the galaxy. One of them is that we have no way of producing such extreme curves in space-time. The only way we know of to curve space is to use mass, but the Alcubierre warp drive would require enormous amounts of mass. Second, is the requirement of negative mass-energy, which at this time we have absolutely no idea how to create, or even if it can be created.
A wormhole is a tunnel that connects two distant regions of space, creating the possibility of traveling across the universe in an extremely short amount of time. A wormhole, also known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge, or Schwartzschild wormhole, comes from general relativity using “Schwartzschild geometry” to describe the behavior of space-time around a black hole. Wormholes are predicted to occur naturally, but they are extremely unstable and should close before even a few photons can pass through. There are different theories for how to stabilize wormholes and use them for travel purposes.
The wormhole theory from Michael Morris and Kip Thorne was first published in 1988, after Morris did his PhD thesis under Thorne at Caltech. Morris-Thorne wormholes are tunnels that can be created using planet-size masses and stabilizing electric fields. To keep the wormhole open, the electric fields must be strong enough to offset the extreme gravitational forces that at the mouth of the wormhole.

Wormhole Diagram

There are some theoretical requirements with Morris-Thorne wormholes that need to be figured out before we can begin galaxy hopping. The first is that the mass-energy requirements are enormous; this includes the negative energies that will need to be in balance with the gravitational energies to keep the wormhole stable. Also, the mouth of the wormhole would have a large tidal force, strong enough that it would probably destroy any traveler that tried to pass through. (2)
Another wormhole idea comes from Matt Visser. Visser’s wormholes require cutting two similar holes in space-time and sewing the edges together. It would need some sort of exotic matter with negative mass to support the wormhole to keep it open. A Visser wormhole, because of the negative-mass struts would have a total mass that is small and would therefore not have the same tidal forces that Morris-Thorne wormholes have. (2)
Wormholes could allow future groups of humans to travel across the universe in a short time without violating special relativity. To an outside observer, it would look like the ship traveled at speeds many times more than that of light, but within the wormhole, the ship actually traveled below the speed of light because the distance of travel through the wormhole is far less than going to the same point through normal space.
With wormholes, the possibility for time travel also exists. If a wormhole was created and one end of the wormhole accelerated to near light speed for enough time so that, the time dilation effect put it one year behind the stationary end. Then if it were placed next to the stationary end, it would create a wormhole that could send light or objects one year into the past or future. Steven Hawking and other theorists have claimed that this cannot happen because it would violate the principle of causality. Causality states that a cause must precede its effects in time sequence in all space-time reference frames. (3) If the cause happened after the effect, it will violate the causality principle and would destroy the wormhole.
Wormholes and warp drives create unfathomable possibilities for the human race in the future. It could allow for the discovery of new planets, matter, even life in distant parts of the universe. Future generations of dreaming children and science fiction writers could realize their dreams and visions of crisscrossing the universe searching for answers to questions that before could only be theorized about. For now, the human race is limited to only looking to distant parts of the universe, but in the future it could be possible to go to all of those places that exist only in pictures, data records, and the dreams of children."

But who knows? Its possible that We could have shot down some UFOs and have been reverse engineering thier super advanced technology in maybe Area 51. We all know that the gov't lies and keeps secrets.



wormholes are indeed theoretically possible and so is time travel but exceeding the speed of light is not. it's all down to manipulating space time which is easy. all mass distorts space time (even you). it however does not alter the speed of light, it just bends it.
Do you have proof of this? Cause I'd like to see this (real movie footage would be even better.)

Found some video here. It took me a couple tries. I saw footage of them all smashed years ago, and I was half afraid I imagined the whole thing.

Our dog loves vaped vegetable matter, even better than fresh, which she used to go after right away.

Maybe this makes me a no-good, nihilistic, post-modern relativist, but I can't begin to pretend to have a clue about the creation of the universe.
I was fond of the term intelligent design to refer to what appears to be a certain logic and order to the seeming chaos of the universe, but then it came to represent backdoor, end-around creationism.
I'm forced to accept that both Creationism and Darwinism are "real" since many people sincerely believe in these things, and can't be convinced otherwise, so it's true in their mind and I try to be mindful of that.
It's just not that important to me.
It's fine to speculate, it's healthy and good...but I don't want religious speculation injected into public schools.:peace:

I agree, No religious Dogma should be taught as TRUE.

I don't really know how it works in the states, but over here (UK) there isn't really a crossover of the two opposing idea's.

Science gets taught in Science lessons.
The beliefs of the VARIOUS religions is taught in Religious Education.

It isn't that much of an issue in this country, most religious people here still accept ToE (or at least the edivence for it) as true. Then again, we haven't got millions of bible belt religious nut jobs trying to impose their views onto everyone else.
wormholes are indeed theoretically possible and so is time travel but exceeding the speed of light is not. it's all down to manipulating space time which is easy. all mass distorts space time (even you). it however does not alter the speed of light, it just bends it.

That's all relative to where the observer is.
i don't have any pets... does pruning my mj count?

Sure why not?! :mrgreen: Don't forget to top ur pets!!

WeLove believes in all things theoretical, that's nice. Better to filter in "probable' tho..... that's where he leaves the rails. He goes for the improbable and then is confused when he is questioned on it. Living life without methodology or understanding, that's an easy route to take. :lol: Lawdy...

out. :blsmoke: