Test your IQ and post here !


Well-Known Member
Yeah real iq tests are a bitch huh,lmfaobongsmilie
Haha the one you posted was a bitch I got half thru and had to quit. rofl too stoned:joint::joint:, kept missing the answer button by like a second every time, I know how quick you get it is part of the test so I'll try agian when I'm a little more wit it. Cool test tho being a video test kinda makes it fun too, like a fun bitch. this one http://www.bbc.co.uk/testthenation/iq/main/index.shtml


Active Member
I'm a member of Mensa (barely), so I know it's high enough. And how funny is it that the first 3 pages of this thread are all about DWR not being able to post a link properly with a 136 IQ? You can't make this shit up, folks.



Well-Known Member
I'm a member of Mensa (barely), so I know it's high enough. And how funny is it that the first 3 pages of this thread are all about DWR not being able to post a link properly with a 136 IQ? You can't make this shit up, folks.


happens to the best. :mrgreen::mrgreen: