Are Gang Members Using Military Training?


Well-Known Member
The war in Afghanistan is needed. I have seen bad fucking people pour boiling water on there kids, I have seen the behead women for not wearing viels. I have seen the lame as wanna be Muslims blow them sells up for "allah". The us needs to be in Afghganista, it's not a joke. 90% of the terrorist are harbored there and in Pakistan.... I don't know, but The war in Iraq was unjust don't get me wrong, but the war in Afghanistan is definitly needed...


Well-Known Member
If the war in Afghanistan is so unjust why is the president ( a democrat) sending 17,000 more troops there???? Why, because the shit is real, ya granted the war in Iraq was just for Bush to get his hands on some oil, he was an oiler before he was president.

On the other habd you say there is not a real reason um what about 911??? We are in Afphganistan, because this is where the terrorist are LOL...... So 911 is not enough for you, Thousands of innocent Americans died including kids, so fighting a war for just cause cause is unjust???? If I were to murder your whole family, I guess it would be okay, because it would be unjust, I would not have a reason they were at the wrong place at the wrong time LOL......
You should do some research on the real attackers behind 9/11. You know what the proof was? Apparently a passport with the highjackers photo fell out of the plane and landed on the ground where someone found it intact.... Listen to the tapes of the highjackers voices, they are not muslim, they are Jewish extremists. (Look it up)

The only reason there are any Muslim extremists is because America built army bases on sacred Muslim ground..:roll:

Its funny how 9/11 happened 2 days after the plans to invade Iraq were on George Bush's desk. Do some fucking research before you try to claim this is a just war.

Afphganistan, because this is where the terrorist are

No one is in "Afphganistan", but what makes you think there are terrorists in Afghanistan? The media?

Can you describe a terrorist, what do they look like?

If someone invaded our country and we fought back wouldnt that make us terrorists in their eyes? Hmmmm...

You army folks really believe everything your government and the News tells you?? Thats funny.

Who was it that funded the Bin laden family and Sadam Hussein anyway? ......oh yeah George Bush Senior..hmmm....And what about Prescot Bush, do some research on old George W.'s Grandfather.

Is it not a little fucked up that George Bush Senior was in a meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington with none other than Osama Bin Laden's own Brother during the attack on 9/11.

You should try doing some indipendant research on the world, you might be suprised to find what its really like.



Well-Known Member
The war in Afghanistan is needed. I have seen bad fucking people pour boiling water on there kids, I have seen the behead women for not wearing viels. I have seen the lame as wanna be Muslims blow them sells up for "allah". The us needs to be in Afghganista, it's not a joke. 90% of the terrorist are harbored there and in Pakistan.... I don't know, but The war in Iraq was unjust don't get me wrong, but the war in Afghanistan is definitly needed...
It's definitely needed now. The reason our democratic president sent more troops in is because you cant pull out of a clusterfuck like they are in now.

You cant go in and destroy a whole system of government then just leave. Yeah, they are different, but why is it that the USA feels the need to impose their "ideals" on other countries? Nazi Germany used to do the same thing....

Im not saying anyone is right or wrong, but who really gets to decide who is? Should the USA be able to do what they want and claim its in the name of freedom?



Well-Known Member
oh god bro you just lost all of your credibility..............nothing to see here folks just another CT:dunce:
Hahaha, no not a CT....listen to the tapes, if you dont know the difference between Muslim and Hebrew then find someone who does and hear it for yourself.

I seriously suggest you look into the details of 9/11 if your going to use it as a reason to justify a war.

3 buildings in the History of Planet earth that were structural steel have fallen due to fire....the world trade towers and building 7. Thats not a CT. Thats a fact.

Look it up if you don't believe me. But if people want to use 9/11 as a reason to justify the war they should look at all the facts. Not the BS and conspiracy theories, but just look at the Facts.



Well-Known Member
Hahaha, no not a CT....listen to the tapes, if you dont know the difference between Muslim and Hebrew then find someone who does and hear it for yourself.

I seriously suggest you look into the details of 9/11 if your going to use it as a reason to justify a war.

3 buildings in the History of Planet earth that were structural steel have fallen due to fire....the world trade towers and building 7. Thats not a CT. Thats a fact.

Look it up if you don't believe me. But if people want to use 9/11 as a reason to justify the war they should look at all the facts. Not the BS and conspiracy theories, but just look at the Facts.

i figured you were a extremist looking for the israel boogie man did just lose all never had any with me anyway..i know you are a left wing nut.
probably a love child of some 60s 70s coward that ran away from vietnam to live in canada.


Well-Known Member
Based on what I've read, it would appear that Mossad had tried to share intel on the 9/11 attacks, the US ignored them, and then rounded up the Israeli art student ring.. DEA of all agencies, were onto them, as they thought they were an ecstacy ring.
Allies regularly spy on one another, as that's the only way to be 100% certain they're allies.


New Member
the best thing the US can do is get over this world super power bullshit...we have not won a major conflict since WWII.


Well-Known Member
i figured you were a extremist looking for the israel boogie man did just lose all never had any with me anyway..i know you are a left wing nut.
probably a love child of some 60s 70s coward that ran away from vietnam to live in canada.
First off none of my relatives have EVER lived in the USA. Second, Cred from you....HAHAHAHAHAHAA....

I am in no way an "extremist" or looking for the "Israel boogie man" Nor am I a 'left wing nut"

Im just stating real facts that I have looked into myself. Find a friend who can speak or at least recognize Hebrew vs Arab and tell him to listen to the the tapes of the highjackers voices.... thats probably impossible for you though because your a racist pig and you insult entire religions at random and I would be very surprised if you had Any Arab speaking or Jewish friends.

Im not asking you to take my word for it, LOOK IT UP YOURSELF!!

Do some Independent research instead of assuming everything you hear is true.

If your going to use something (ie. 9/11) to justify a war shouldnt you take the time to research the details for YOURSELF??



Well-Known Member
the best thing the US can do is get over this world super power bullshit...we have not won a major conflict since WWII.
I agree. The only reason for war is profit. The US funds both sides of the war and reaps massive profit.

The USA is acting like Nazi Germany invading other countries to "protect the homeland" and "in the name of freedom". Old George W. Bush's rhetoric is like word for word of that of Adolf Hitler....
