A Nurse's Journey (I am a man)


Well-Known Member
I have been doing the same thing. I am squating in my grow room for like 30 min just lookingat the plants.... I got up and my damned thighes were asleep... weirdest feeling, not being able to feel you thighs but you can feel everything else... weird!


Well-Known Member
Alright, well the plants are doing great, as mentioned previously, 3 strong plants, 3 weak plants, 2 plants holdign their own in 16oz cups. I am wondering if I should try flowering in these tiny cups to see if I can get anything from them... it will be interesting since my next growq is going to be a stealth CFL in a box grow... What should I go with, NL#2, LR#2, or auto AK's? I am leaning towards the LR#2, but really love the NL.... Any comments?
No sexing yet. I am gfoing to give them 24 hrs of dark tonight and staart the 12/12 after that, beginning with a good heavy watering with some light nute solution at 1/4 strength... We shall see how it goes...
Cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
Good job Nurse, give em 36 hours of night instead of 24, you wont regret it. It will send an unmistakable message to your girls, "FLOWER TIME". It is torture for us but if you have a green light bulb you can check on them all you want. Look at my girls already showing thier little flowers after only one week of 12/12. Either way though good job man. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Well, they are still in the dark.... Hanv't looked at all... Not that I expect anything new, they are asleep, building up their budding hormones. Fan has not arrived yet, I am hoping for Wed or Thursday. Until then, when the lights come on, the door has to be open...
I have my nute solution mixed and ready to go for a good heavy watering tonight at 1/4 strength. I am gonna use all 5 gallons to water with tonight, clean out the medium and balance any ph changes. I think I will keep the 4-5 day heavy watering cycle, seems to work good.
I really hope my healthy plants are females, as the other plants probably won't yeild a whole lot. Oh well, this whole grow was a bit of an experiment, wavering off my norm. But that is the only way to really lear how these plants work...
Anyway, once they wake up I'll get some pics going, but more than likely, not till tomorrow evening. Cheers guys


Well-Known Member
Well, they are still in the dark.... Hanv't looked at all... Not that I expect anything new, they are asleep, building up their budding hormones. Fan has not arrived yet, I am hoping for Wed or Thursday. Until then, when the lights come on, the door has to be open...
I have my nute solution mixed and ready to go for a good heavy watering tonight at 1/4 strength. I am gonna use all 5 gallons to water with tonight, clean out the medium and balance any ph changes. I think I will keep the 4-5 day heavy watering cycle, seems to work good.
I really hope my healthy plants are males, as the other plants probably won't yeild a whole lot. Oh well, this whole grow was a bit of an experiment, wavering off my norm. But that is the only way to really lear how these plants work...
Anyway, once they wake up I'll get some pics going, but more than likely, not till tomorrow evening. Cheers guys

Sounds good Nurse but don't make the same mistake I made. Since they will have only 12 hours of light now, water will be way slower in evaporating or being used. I kept the same watering schedule and it seemed to have caused some dampening off and caused MG deficiencies because the soil was taking longer to dry out. If you keep the same watering schedule you might start to over water them. Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, in Hempy's it is a little harder to "Overwater". The perilyte and Verm doesn't hold too much moisture, it is the resevoir that holds more water.. I'll play it to the plants and listen to them. Won't water till they are thirsty..
Can't wait till tonight to open the room up . I am sure they will be a little floppy in the dark for so long, but will bounch back after a day or two of light... I am going to add a second layer to my door to ensure light tight. I tested it with myself in there and I could not see anything, so I think I am good, but want to add that extra safety... I have a tiny red light on my heater that I forgot to cover with tape... you guys think it will be an issue in the dark? It is so little light, I can't see it being a problem this early on... When I open up, I will tape the light...


Well-Known Member
I dont think that a little red light would really do any harm but I did read that as little as One Foot Candle of light could mess with the light period. Just tape it up like you said and you will be fine. To my surprise when I opened my tent to see the girls after 36 hours of darkness, they were all up at attension just waiting for some sign of light. I wouldn't be surprised if yours are the same way.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I don't even think this is a canl;e brightness, more like the little red light on the tv when it is tuned off.. you know... I hope it will be fine.. We shall see...


Well-Known Member
Just no laughing at my plants... I am fooling around this grow.... Once I get my temps dialed in I will be rollin.... I hope... As long as I am not an idiot again and shock my poor little plants...


Well-Known Member
Just no laughing at my plants... I am fooling around this grow.... Once I get my temps dialed in I will be rollin.... I hope... As long as I am not an idiot again and shock my poor little plants...
I won't laugh... I promise... :-P

I just skimmed through, I have to go read it from the start... I'll be back...:weed:

I have PT this afternoon, but I will catch up this eve... the doc removed some junk and some hardware from my ankle last week... so I gotta go take care of it... :o

Catch you later...

Gypsy... :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Just a quick pic update.. They woke up bright and perky... best they have looked to date... 12/12 now... Cheers!



Well-Known Member
Thanks man. I will feed them tonight. I missed the store last night it was closed... I'll get my wter tonight and they will LIKE it. Buckets felt pretty light this am, lights are out during the day so they should be fine, and get to wake up to a nice cool shower and a meal.... only 1/4 tho...
Some slight yellowing of the bottom fans, so I am going to keep my veg nute going since they really havn't been fed in like 1.5 weeks due to burn. SO 1/4 grow big, 1/4 Tiger Blooms, 1/4 big bloom and 1/4 open Sesame.... Actually to make it easy on myself, it will be 1/5th since I have 5 gallon jugs...


Well-Known Member
Well, I fed them and gave them a good flush last night... I have a rpoblem tho... The wife... accidentally.... turn the ceiling light on in the grow room..... I am going to hope for the best and just keep going 12/12 and pray for hermy free territory... I really hope this did not screw my grow up... Basically, they now have got 36 hours of dark, 12 hrs HID light, 12 hrs of 40 W incadecent light, and 12 more hours of HID light.... I am now back to 12/12, and I am going to hope for the best... I am pretty sure I have a few female pre-flowers working their way out, but it is really early to tell for sure... I have now disconnected the Incadecent light so this won't happen again!
I have seen other grows where early in the photop[eriod things got out of wack and they turned out fine... let's pray mine will too!!

Cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
They'll be fine. They're plants; they just don't have very good reaction times! It would take frequent incidents like that or a chronic light leak to give you problems. Just my two cents.

I wouldn't worry about the power light on your fan either.

hmmmm. I think I'll have to try that dukey bucket.

j/k lol

Well, I fed them and gave them a good flush last night... I have a rpoblem tho... The wife... accidentally.... turn the ceiling light on in the grow room..... I am going to hope for the best and just keep going 12/12 and pray for hermy free territory... I really hope this did not screw my grow up... Basically, they now have got 36 hours of dark, 12 hrs HID light, 12 hrs of 40 W incadecent light, and 12 more hours of HID light.... I am now back to 12/12, and I am going to hope for the best... I am pretty sure I have a few female pre-flowers working their way out, but it is really early to tell for sure... I have now disconnected the Incadecent light so this won't happen again!
I have seen other grows where early in the photop[eriod things got out of wack and they turned out fine... let's pray mine will too!!

Cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
yeah I lmao at that one... Too much work for nothing really. Thanks for the input, the plants are doing great, lights werea little close, but raised them and temps dropped a lot doing that as well! Fan should be in today, and I can get things dialed in... I hope... ZShouldn't be a problem... It was -30 last night here is balmy Cuba... hahaha..


Well-Known Member
We have blizzard conditions and heavy thunder right now. But it's a balmy 19 degrees here. open coat weather. It was 41 degrees yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Jon, just a quick update. I have 2 females for sure, 3 males for sure, but I can't tell what the 3 others are yet, but seems like there are some male preflowers there, perhaps some hermies due to my light mixup.. I will give the plants a week more to mature, as the pods aren't even close to popping yet. I want to ge them as ripe as possible since I am going to try and make some butter out of all 4 of the males... might as well, I put in too much care for them to be just thrown out.....
Temps still in control, going to feed and water tonight, and raise the lights a few inches... Even if I only have 2 females, I should be able to max out their yeild failry well. I will try and get some close up shots of the pre flowers tonight. Cheers!