wont it die if u over water it
No, what were talking about is flushing your plants because of nuit lockout. Its a one time deal. The thing is to let your Plant container dry and once dry enough then you want to flush it.
Take it either to a wash tub or sink to drain the water easily .
Lets say you are using 2 gallon soil pots, then you will need at least 4 gallons of clear water. I use 1 gallon milkjugs easier to keep track the amount of water you are pouring over your soil. So next to my sink I will have 4 gallons of water ready to use.
Make sure not to just dump the water on but slowly pour it thourgh until that 1st gallon is gone.
Now wait till you see no more water coming out the bottom and take your 2nd gallon and repeat until all 4-6gallons of clear water are gone. Now you have flushed your plant and the water you see will be clear not yellowish or brownish like when you first started....put your plant back under your light and don't water again till needed.
How you kill your plants by overwatering is to continue to water your plants even when they don't need water..Keeping your soil water logged will kill it eventually...Hope this helps...