White widow growers


Well-Known Member
white widow is definetly not a picky plant, they grow easier then most..at least it seems that way, i got a hybrid white widow plant its widow x blueberry its called blue dream


Well-Known Member
white widow is definetly not a picky plant, they grow easier then most..at least it seems that way, i got a hybrid white widow plant its widow x blueberry its called blue dream
mmm mmm mmmmmm mmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......

blue dream is the kind of shit that goes for 480 an ounce where im from, best around.


Well-Known Member
and pft, or psh, was a kind of scoff, i just wouldnt sell any of my ww, unless it was to a buddy and it was like a g...


Well-Known Member
ive been smokin on some purple widow. its purple power X white widow. pretty purply, never smoked WW so cant compare it. i got a Z of it for under 200


Well-Known Member
Seedsman WW all the way !!

Its an amazing high, great yield, easy to grow in dirt.

Hydro is a bit trickier as it REALLY likes 5.8 - 6.0 with very little fluctuation. I have 12 plants at 3 weeks flowering, 3 at 8 weeks flowering,
and 18 clones just went into rockwool cubes. I Veg for 4 weeks and end up with 5-6 foot plants by harvest.

It's also great watch your friends take hits off your volcano with this stuff - esp if they usually smoke Mexican crap in a blunt.

FYI - Butane Hash Oil made from this stuff is scary :fire:


Well-Known Member
i have purple power and white widow seedlings. any advise on how to cross them? the WW is feminized so the purple power would have to be the male. does it make a diff which one is the male? Anyhow. do i just put the two in a closet and turn on some berry manilow and thats that? plant the seeds? its gotta be more to it than that


Well-Known Member
as stated in another thread. i got 10 nirvana WW seeds and every single one of them turned purple. sweet purple taste. but with the white-ness of the widow. been growin this for the past couple years. moving on to blue cheese and super lemon haze. but i recommned nirvana WW if ya want that purple widow.

ive grown purple power recently but the potency was just not there. i love the look, taste, but that widow is just everything rolled into one plant. A+

all organically grown.


Active Member
Seedsman WW all the way !!

Its an amazing high, great yield, easy to grow in dirt.

Hydro is a bit trickier as it REALLY likes 5.8 - 6.0 with very little fluctuation. I have 12 plants at 3 weeks flowering, 3 at 8 weeks flowering,
and 18 clones just went into rockwool cubes. I Veg for 4 weeks and end up with 5-6 foot plants by harvest.

It's also great watch your friends take hits off your volcano with this stuff - esp if they usually smoke Mexican crap in a blunt.

FYI - Butane Hash Oil made from this stuff is scary :fire:



