First Grow, Mostly Bagseeds, HID Closet Grow


Well-Known Member
yes i do, they are the really sativa looking ones, only two are pictured (of 3)
setup in closet is like this:


X marks the crystal, bold marks the males.. giving a day or two to be sure, but looks like balls comin in.. only one confirmed female (bagseed)

i'll post some new pics soon!


Well-Known Member
Hey mate, plants look good, got any close-ups to see said balls? 2/9 Is still good though, high percentage of females. The crystal on the left looks like it'll be a yielder, I'll be keeping an eye on you brother. Happy growing

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
flowering day 6

I had 3 males and now have 2 females, 4 still not showing sex

luckily one of the crystals appears to be female! :weed: whew!!! I was worried all my dank would be males!!

Will be cloning soon, and i'm not sure if i'm going to buy a dome w/trays or just ghetto rig something here.. i would like to keep an eye on the roots.. i'm not sure of the medium tho.. and don't they like 5.5 ph.. oh well we'll welcome!!

there's always some new challenge, the other half of my grow closet isn't light-sealed against the other, so i don't have a place for clones yet.. can't wait till i have everything setup for perpetual growing! :wall:

pics tomm!!


Well-Known Member
Good to hear the news man, dank females are good, haha. I like to root clones in rockwool, it's just easy. That way I either drop them in soil, or ship em off to my buddies. If you're impartial and open to experimentation, I would suggest rigging up a aeroponic cloner and grow them from there ... :-?? I'd like to see a write up on that one. If you're looking for straight goods, my first advice. A cool new, potentially rewarding, experiment; my second. Happy growing whatever you choose, cross your fingers for more females!!:weed:

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well i lost another plant, a crystal :-(

so that's 2 confirmed females and 3 still not showing, although i have a good feeling..

I accidently damaged the crystal that's right here in front, i then tied it up for support.. :wall:

going to be cloning very soon


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear the news mate, be thankful and glad you've been blessed with two girls thus far. Bag seed is really a toss-up, you'd be doing well to get 4 or 5 of the 9 to be girls. Don't worry, just keep it going, those girls will reward you ;)

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
well I took 10 cuttings today w/gel, i used soil and watered with superthrive and root stimi's, (ph of 6)

clones are in a separate room

unrelated but, all of the sudden i have a temp spike of about 6*, they're at 83* now were at 76-77* don't know the cause yet :cry:
edit: main plants ^


Well-Known Member
Those are tiny clippings eh SB? You usually take them that small? I love the prorogation dome, make sure those clones have plenty of humidity and they will be beauties :weed:. What else has changed in your grow environment recently? You may have thrown something off to cause the temperature spike. Post me some pictures my brother and check your room for irregularities. Happy growing mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I don't really know what i'm doing cloning wise, other than what i read.. i'll take some bigger ones today tho, as i'm sure some won't survive.

i think i'll veg em for a little while, say 5in, then put 3 to a 5 gal pot and move em on into flowering

i should really take a mother, but i want the buds in april!! maybe i'll just make one from clone, i dunno yet

well here's a closer pic of clones:


Well-Known Member
I usually take cutting that are 7-10" long and I use powder rooting agents, I find they work better than gels. I use rockwool for my clones with pH'd water and root stimulator and I have pretty good results. I pop them in soil buckets afterwards and watch magic happen. The bigger the clone, the better the changes of rooting. Best of luck mate

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Well i took a few more clones today, slightly bigger than the ones above

It appears that all my remaining plants are female! So that's 5! 2 crystal, 1 blueberry bagseed, 2 reg badseeds


Well-Known Member
Well it looks like i have a crystal dying.. :sad:

hopefully it'll pull through, think i should reveg it??

I added some cfl's today to help lower branches get light

pics of clones it took, hopefully they pull through!



Well-Known Member
Hey SB, has anything changed in terms of variables compared to the other plants? If not, I would let it pull through mate. Get yours lights as close as possible without burning the larger ones (if not so already) and those CFLs should do a nice supplement. Your clones are looking very nice too, much improved from the earlier pics. Keep us updated, you're doing great

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
That's strange to me SB, I've never seen that problem before, got an idea of what was eating away at the stem? Mites maybe? Good luck with the clippings

KC :leaf:


Well-Known Member
stem rot from to much water i'm guessing, although i heard it could be a fungus.. the other crystal is doing GREAT, the others too


Well-Known Member
:cuss:great! lost a 600w bulb and at least 4 hours of flowering light!!! i'll try and replace it before the next cycle!! :mad:

HTGsupply's digital ballast and upgraded bulb..


Well-Known Member
Shitty brother, hope that works out for you, shouldn't be too much of an issue unless you lose that lighting for prolonged periods of time. How's the rest of the crop looking? Keep us updated mate :blsmoke:

KC :leaf: