New Sub-Forum Idea: Stealth/Micro grows


Well-Known Member
If you saw my other thread, this is the same idea. There should be a Grow box/Micro grow/stealth grow/PC case (or something along these lines) sub-forum under "Grow Room & Setup" forum, for all of us who grow, but don't have the space, time, funds, etc. to grow on a full scale. Not everyone can devote a room to growing what we all love. Not everyone has the time or means to devote to caring and tending a big grow room. Also, for those of us who do stealth/micro/PC grow, you know how much of a pain it is to comb through pages and pages just to find 2 or 3 not-so-helpful threads of this subject.

Also, if CFLs deserve their own forum, don't you think this should too? CFLs are an alternative to HID lights for small-scale/stealth/micro/low-fund growers, and before their sub-forum, people who needed information about these posed the same issues we have now.

Another thing, asking grow box/Micro grow/stealth grow/PC case questions in the main Grow Room & Setup forum, many times the individual asking the question just receives negative replies, bad advice, sarcastic responses and very little useful information (e.g. just buy a 400w and build a proper grow room!, etc.).

I dunno, just rolled/smoked a free quarter of mids in a ghetto tulip blunt (a nice 30min smoke :bigjoint:) and mids always make me analyze/critique things too much, makes me talk a lot and shit...

But what do y'all think about the idea? :clap: or :wall:?


Well-Known Member
As someone who's only option is a micro, i am all for it. I think micro growing, stealth or not, is becoming a much larger crowd, some for the hobby aspect, some because that is the only possible option, for me both =] An area similar to the CFL section for people to exchange info about stealth and micro growing would be a great contribution to this site.


Well-Known Member
i juast am sick and tired of combing through pages upon pages of threads on growrooms to come across only a few that help me. also, not everyone has the time/money/space to do a full scale growroom wth severall hundred watts of HPS and 20+ plants

Dislexics Untie...!!!

OH! I mean...



Active Member
wow, this is the best option/idea even for myself. would love to read up more on this for sure. i'm down to do a journal, need more knowledge first tho


Active Member
how are they? they are 4 plants 3 weeks into flowering supercropped, have a lower stem removal and tied down! i would love any information and comments available