My cabinet grow journal!

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Well-Known Member
This the last plant in the cab without a strain name, so i can't
wait to get on to the good stuff!!!

#4(cryptonite) Clone. Looks to have stopped growth for awhile, but it should burst up here soon hopefully. The mom's buds were fantastic!

Pics 1-5 are th crypto clone

Pics 6-9 are pics of the PPP runt, not sure of flower time right now.....bongsmilie:sleep:....



Well-Known Member
Ok, Beech here's the WW and PPP you wanted to see.....:weed:.....

WW is i believe 34 days in flower, and the PPP is i believe two to three weeks in.

All these the White Widow. Very Frosty, as you see in the close ups, but looking very nice and smelling very sweet also..LOL!!!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
You should take pics that you can put together panoramically.. so that you can make almost a 3D model out of one.. 1 pic every 5° rotation would work well..


Well-Known Member
You're like a regular japanese tourist.. Either that, or you've hired a few dozen..:)
Not exactly hired them.........We worked a deal!!LOL!!!

I like them too, it is just a bear to upload them all!
Yup but its worth it in my opinion, to have the information to look back at and see where i had problems and how i fixed them.

You should take pics that you can put together panoramically.. so that you can make almost a 3D model out of one.. 1 pic every 5° rotation would work well..
Thats a little too much.....2-D is fine with me!LOL!!!
Barely have time to get the pics i have been, but that would be an interesting project.:idea:


Well-Known Member
Okay guys final weight is in for Cryoptonite and #6:
Edit:They have been in jars for a week and a half now

Cryptonite (pics below) came in dried and cured at an even 14.0 grams after after about an eighth smoked out of it.

#6 (Pics below) came out, after a few nuggs smoked, at 4.5 grams.

#5 went in jars and is smelling like a bail of hay right now, but looks like a half LB. laid out. It comes in at 29.5 grams right now, but expect it lose more weight, right?

Lucy was chopped today, along with the Maf#1, and Cryptonites clone.
Wet weight is:
Lucy- 152.2 Grams
Crypto Clone- 17.0 grams
Maf#1- 41.5 grams

For a total wet wight of 211.7 grams cut down tonight!!!:clap:

One plant to go from this batch, and this journal will be complete!!!

Next up, i'll probably start a less in depth journal of my WW and PPP run. There won't be as many pics, cuz i'm not individually moving and taking pics of over 20 way! The WW was started in here, but i will transfer the past few months over to a new journal soon. Keep in touch and checking in for the final weigh in of all the weight together from my first grow!!!! Remember....One more to come down, and the rest is hanging now.:weed:

I wanna take this time to thank all the people who helped me with this and educate me to the point i am at today!!
Beech, Born, Boneman, and all you guys! Thanks a load for teaching me and being patient with me through this grow. The knowledge you have shared will go on for a lifetime! And thanks for showing me how to grow some funky DANK!!!:hump::clap::hug:


Well-Known Member
LMF,that should hold you a couple days worth.I had forgotten they were bagseeds but they were good ones!With all you went thru on that grow you should of leared alot,and now be ready too move on to greener pastures.Beech.


Well-Known Member
Weeee! Exciting isn't it?
Not as exciting as the next round!
But still an awesome experience!

LMF,that should hold you a couple days worth.I had forgotten they were bagseeds but they were good ones!With all you went thru on that grow you should of leared alot,and now be ready too move on to greener pastures.Beech.
Everybody that tested gave it all two thumbs up and an A+!!
It should hold me over till the next round comes down. I did learn alot, thanks to you guys, and can't wait to get to greener pastures, and maybe some white ones (WW) too...LOL!!!!:joint:


Well-Known Member
Tell your friends to be more critical.. You can't learn anything from meaningless A+'s.. There is no way in hell any of that could score a real A+ yet considering its not even cured.. And even when cured, it takes a special plant to produce A+ weed even when grown flawlessly..


Well-Known Member
Tell your friends to be more critical.. You can't learn anything from meaningless A+'s.. There is no way in hell any of that could score a real A+ yet considering its not even cured.. And even when cured, it takes a special plant to produce A+ weed even when grown flawlessly..
LOL.....thanks for the enthusiasm born:shock:...I meant compared to the local nuggs you get, or should i say stuff that smells like hay, they gave it an A+.
I know this isn't anything superior, but for some seeds i pulled out of the weed that looked like what I described above:spew:,'s a righteous A+!:hump:
If they loved this stuff, whatchya' think they're gonna say about the WW and PPP. Or the NL and Violator Kush ones waiting to be started. I understand what your saying but still not bad for a first time huh? I think anything that gets me high on two tokes in a bowl is good smoke, ya' know?


Well-Known Member
Tell your friends to be more critical.. You can't learn anything from meaningless A+'s.. There is no way in hell any of that could score a real A+ yet considering its not even cured.. And even when cured, it takes a special plant to produce A+ weed even when grown flawlessly..
Don't let this man get you down. Pot snobs suck!

Any kind of sensimillia is better than shwag or commercial garbage. I know what you mean. Genetics is really just a name for the most part, there are the higher THC varieties, like your WW you got running. In reality you can grow a white strain to be less potent than your bag seed if your not careful.

I grew up in a time and place that you had to spend 15 minutes breaking apart your grass and cleaning seeds before you could even roll a joint, and back then we smoked them all day long back to back to catch a small buzz when ounces use to cost $25.


Any sensimillia is higher quality than anything back then just becuase it was all populated with seeds.

Something is better than nothing and there is no feeling like smoking your own gown.

Think the taste and stone are good now, jar cure for a month minimum and then give it another rip.


Well-Known Member
But IMO that hay schwag is like a D-, so a B- is a serious improvement.. You gotta be a weed snob if you want to grow good weed..
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