Well-Known Member
So the head of the GOP...Limbaugh, gave a speech to his thoughtless minions yesterday. Rush proclaimed that conservatives need to embrace the constitution where it says we are all entitled to "inalienable rights, among them life, liberty, freedom -- and the pursuit of happiness". What he failed to mention is that these rights won't be available for non-christians or non-heterosexuals should conservatives once again emerge from the shadows and gain any power. There was also the usual crying about the media and liberals and how they are out to get conservatives. Oh yeah and Obama is trying to scare people so they will do what he wants. Was this fat fucker high on oxycontin the whole time from 2000-2008?!? The negative traits he is conjuring up to describe Obama are actually a very accurate description of Bush over the past 8 years. And what does that say about "conservatives" that Coulter and Limbaugh spoke at their conference. It says they are incapable of change and that fear-mongering and hatred of all things outside the conservative moniker are still the status quo. I guess Republicans didn't learn jack shit when they got trounced on Nov. 4th. Oh well they are a regional party now and no one outside their own little echo chamber gives a shit what they say anyways. In summary:
Conservtive equals; more guns, marriage per biblical rules only, talk fiscal conservatism but spend like their is no tomorrow (especially on weapons), torture is ok, government should not be transparent, White House employees will not be held accountable for their actions.
Conservtive equals; more guns, marriage per biblical rules only, talk fiscal conservatism but spend like their is no tomorrow (especially on weapons), torture is ok, government should not be transparent, White House employees will not be held accountable for their actions.