Q's about cloning

NYC Diesel

New Member
I havent done any cloning before so im looking for some advice on the way to get it done.
1. When is it the best time to pick clones? just before the start of flowering or just after?
2. After i put them in the rooting gel/liquid can i put them straight into the soil?
3. Does flowering usually take as long as plants grown from seeds?
Any help is largely appreciated!!!!!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
Take cuttings as late a 2 wks into flowering, and you know u got ladys. U can put directly into soil but ur chances of sucesse r slim. I see some ppl put in rockwool cube and then put in a humidity dome. Lots of info on that alrdy here. Flowering is about that as seed, except that Ive noticed that clones start to flower as soon as 3 days when flipped, and I usually hav to wait 10 days for seed plants to show.


Well-Known Member
I havent done any cloning before so im looking for some advice on the way to get it done.
1. When is it the best time to pick clones? just before the start of flowering or just after?
2. After i put them in the rooting gel/liquid can i put them straight into the soil?
3. Does flowering usually take as long as plants grown from seeds?
Any help is largely appreciated!!!!!!:peace:
1 - There are several schools of thought on this one if you want to get down and dirty in cannabis board debate over minutia. Lets not. You CAN take a clone when you have a growtip and two leaves, minimum. You CAN take a clone in the last week of flower. Both clones will eventually grow up to be perfectly normal plants. You CAN take a clone at anytime in between.
Personally, I take them from a mature mother plant in permanent vegetative growth.

2 - Yes, put them into whatever medium you want to use and make sure to keep the humidity up, except in water cloning. The cutings are no longer taking water from the stem (you cut it off) so you must keep the plant moist with humidity. If your not keeping enough humidity, the cuttings leaves will wilt and droop.

3 - Flowering time is genetic and will be the same from clone or seed. However, cuttings are ready to flower as soon as they're rooted, so with a good mother plant, you can eliminate the need for 6 weeks (or so) of veg growth that plants from seed need to mature. This will increase your yield potential annually by a lot. Maybe by 1/3 or more.


Well-Known Member
Take cuttings as late a 2 wks into flowering, and you know u got ladys. U can put directly into soil but ur chances of sucesse r slim. I see some ppl put in rockwool cube and then put in a humidity dome. Lots of info on that alrdy here. Flowering is about that as seed, except that Ive noticed that clones start to flower as soon as 3 days when flipped, and I usually hav to wait 10 days for seed plants to show.

I put all my clones in soil. I've had 100% success doing it this way. I take my cutting. I scrap the end with a razor to expose some of the tissues. I then make a slice down the middle of the clone about half an inch long from the end of the stem. Again to expose the tissues. Then dip into water, then dip into rootone cloning powder. Then stick them into the soil. Just mist with water till they root and start growing. Once they do I transplant into a bigger pot.


Well-Known Member
Q - 1. When is it the best time to pick clones? just before the start of flowering or just after?
A - If you have a flowering area and a veg area take clones as soon as they are about 2 months old then take 2 or 3 of thoes clones that you took from each plant (make sure they are labeled cuz mixing them up can mess things up for knowing exacly what is female) and flower them to find the sex of the plant with out having to waist time re-veging it. It is not realy recomended to take clones from a flowering plant.

Q - 2. After i put them in the rooting gel/liquid can i put them straight into the soil?
A - If the soil doesn't have any nutes in it then yes , if it does try finding a soil that doesn't have nutes in it , like Peat Pucks. Put them into a humidity dome and mist them and the dome at least once a day but I have read when the dome and plant leafs are dry. It is better to root clones under Floresent (T5) or CFLs since they aren't to strong for them

Q - 3. Does flowering usually take as long as plants grown from seeds?
A - No. You can flower a plant from seed if you want but it won't show its sex untill it is mature. Flowering from clones that you have taken from a mom (or dad if you want seeds or w/e) will help take the time waisted to start from seed every harvest

NYC Diesel

New Member
Ok thanks for the help guys. My basic strategy is to take a week or so before i flower, then slice the stem so the fresh veins are exposed, and dip in water then rooting material. Then im gunna put it into soil, try to maintain the humidity and temp, and see if they make it! From there, depending how large the clones i take are, ill probabaly go straight into flowering, if not maybe ill veg it a little to get some foliage.
How long will the rooting materials usually take to work? A week or so?


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the help guys. My basic strategy is to take a week or so before i flower, then slice the stem so the fresh veins are exposed, and dip in water then rooting material. Then im gunna put it into soil, try to maintain the humidity and temp, and see if they make it! From there, depending how large the clones i take are, ill probabaly go straight into flowering, if not maybe ill veg it a little to get some foliage.
How long will the rooting materials usually take to work? A week or so?
I've read some people having it take upto almost a month but a week to 2 weeks it should have roots:leaf:

NYC Diesel

New Member
ok cool. What are some signs of the roots taking?or visa versa? Will the leaves go droopy and lose their color if the roots dont take after a while?Will the leaves start to perk up if the roots take?


Well-Known Member
I JUST CLONED successfully for the first time, took like 10-14 days to root out of the pellets,keep them warm and covered


Well-Known Member
Yes , if the roots don't take after a while (longer then 1 month) and the bottom leafs start to die then the clone you took proibly isn't good

NYC Diesel

New Member
K tahnks everybody. I was just lookin for some 1 and a half foot clones so ill probs go directly into flowering. HOw much you think i can yield off of that? a half ounce?


Well-Known Member
Yield is determined by many factors, too many to just throw out a number with any hope of it being accurate.

NYC Diesel

New Member
well lets just say the only factor here to worry about is height/size. everything else is in check. If the plant was only about 1.5 ft. what might the yield be for a clone?

Don MaJic

Active Member
Does anyone know at what time you would lollipop the clones in a SOG environment? After rooting them obviously, but do you lollipop them and the throw them into flower? Also, do you have to keep stripping the bottom 1/3 of the plant to stop growth?

Don MaJic

Active Member
Lollipopping is where you cut the branches from the lower 1/3 of the plant, leaving just the top cola growing, therefore you can grow more plants in a smaller space and all the plants energy is sent directly to top cola. I've never heard at what point you would do it though.


Well-Known Member
Sure you can. You can take cuttings at anytime. The longer they are in flower the longer they take.