Stunt Flowring help!!! PICS

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member

So, its my first grow, the strain is Jack herer , 4 of them.
There are flowering in 12-12 for 7 weeks now, for the first 6 weeks I used growing ferts by mistake , last week I started using bloom ferts 10-54-10.

I am now entering the 8th week and the buds are ridiculously small , refer to pictures.

I am using a 400watt hps light , temp is about 23 celcius and humidity 40%

The plants are about 3 ft tall they look very helthy but I did not notice any improvement in the last 2-3 weeks.




Well-Known Member
How far away is the light?
Looks like you have a lot of trichomes but really no buds, especially for 7-8 weeks, that is real real real small for a 400w


Well-Known Member
Try to revert back the light to 24/24 for one or two weeks and flush them even if they are in soil... Only use water w/out anything and then restart flowering with your flowering fert and 12/12 light


Well-Known Member
Wow...never seen this...especially with your conditions being great. Has to do something with the nutes...they should get going now when you switched to the flower nutes.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i would say your useing to much n during flower. you are going to get more plant growth then bud growth and dencedy with a bloom nut with them #'s.


Active Member
Try to revert back the light to 24/24 for one or two weeks and flush them even if they are in soil... Only use water w/out anything and then restart flowering with your flowering fert and 12/12 light
agreed' without a doubt. wise


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
agreed' without a doubt. wise
dude what are you telling dont revert back. just keep flower make sure your ph in and out is alright. just keep hitting it with the bloom nuts. i looks like you may have to flower a little longer then normal. good luck.


Well-Known Member
dude what are you telling dont revert back. just keep flower make sure your ph in and out is alright. just keep hitting it with the bloom nuts. i looks like you may have to flower a little longer then normal. good luck.
I have to agrea with you on this one mygirls.. Just keep up on the Flowering nutes. I think your using a bloom booster that has Micro nutes in it, right?

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
dude what are you telling dont revert back. just keep flower make sure your ph in and out is alright. just keep hitting it with the bloom nuts. i looks like you may have to flower a little longer then normal. good luck.
and what if I dont reverse it back and keep it on 12-12?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
1st you need to get rid of that bloom nut and finish with a npk like 0-52-25 or somthing like that. your buds will fillout more in time. thats why i said you may have to flower a little bit longer.


Well-Known Member
dude dont stress man... some strains have to go for 9, 10, 11 weeks of flower.. just depends on the strain... and to be perfectly honest it looks like you have a certain long flowering strain.. how do I know that you ask ? look at your trichomes they are long and airy... just flush... then start hittin it hard with a bloom fert... and relax


Well-Known Member
I sure wouldn't go back to 24hrs light then back to flower.Seems to me that would stress the shit right out of them and prolly have them turnin to hermies.I'd keep on truckin with bloomin and work on those bl nutes.


Well-Known Member
your buds do look small for 7-8 weeks flowering.
First things that come to mind: is it completely dark during "night-time"? Are you sure there are not any leaks? Is it possible your pots are getting small for the size of the plants and maybe have root bound? what's the size of the pots?


Well-Known Member
can you belive that tell someone to revert an 8 weekin flower plant. LOL
Dude, why telling it dumb if you never tried? If you have the Patience, you can do everything with your plants... Doing this will make the plant forget about the lil fckn budz and cleans from the hormons and from the Nutes and after this, restart a new Vwg cycle... like if it was the first one, and the plant will have time to recover energy for the new flowering cycle... C'mon, don't bash on people if you don't know or have never tried sumtin...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Dude, why telling it dumb if you never tried? If you have the Patience, you can do everything with your plants... Doing this will make the plant forget about the lil fckn budz and cleans from the hormons and from the Nutes and after this, restart a new Vwg cycle... like if it was the first one, and the plant will have time to recover energy for the new flowering cycle... C'mon, don't bash on people if you don't know or have never tried sumtin...
because you do not put a plant that is 7 or 8 weeks in flower back under 24 hours of light. NEVER


Well-Known Member
You can partially harvest a plant wich as flowered for like 2.5 months and re-veg it, leting new growth take place and reflower it! So Why NEVER revert back a plant? I think you are a paranoid man ;)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
now thats a diffrent storythats why. yes after you have cut the buds that you want off the plant you can revege and get new growth and have a 2nd harvest. im saying not to at week 7 or 8


Well-Known Member
I know my friend but I think he can get the plant flushed of wrong nute that way and reset the plant clock to restart flowering from zero with the right nutes...