Day 32 flowering. second grow


Well-Known Member
Been a little while so I thought I would toss up a few pics of my two ladies from my second grow. I've added a 150wt hps to beef up the lighting a bit. Still have almost 250watts of cfl's. I've been able to start off with fox farm nutes from the get go and my plants are much larger than my first lady. I'm not sure what the deal is with the plant on the right she thinks she's a vine or something she just wont stop growing and is starting to take over my grow space at a rapid pace. The one on the left is really starting to thicken up nice. Can't waint to see how they yeild. Feel free to post and comments or advice as always and have fun out there.



Well-Known Member
They look beautiful. What strains do you have going? Looks to me like you have one sativa-dominant (tall, viny one) and one indica-dom (shorter, bushier). Nice grow.


Well-Known Member
Honestly they are just bag seed I had laying around. I wanted a few grows under my belt before I went and spent any money on seeds. I much rather like the indica better just because of the space of my grow area. The sativa I've had to anchor to the wall in some areas to help keep her upright while she grows. Much larger than my first grow which only ever reached 20" at the end so I'm looking at a much larger yield with these two. Should be nice.


Well-Known Member
Honestly they are just bag seed I had laying around. I wanted a few grows under my belt before I went and spent any money on seeds. I much rather like the indica better just because of the space of my grow area. The sativa I've had to anchor to the wall in some areas to help keep her upright while she grows. Much larger than my first grow which only ever reached 20" at the end so I'm looking at a much larger yield with these two. Should be nice.

How much did you yield on your 1st grow of 20 "? How tall is the tall one?


Well-Known Member
Honestly they are just bag seed I had laying around. I wanted a few grows under my belt before I went and spent any money on seeds. I much rather like the indica better just because of the space of my grow area. The sativa I've had to anchor to the wall in some areas to help keep her upright while she grows. Much larger than my first grow which only ever reached 20" at the end so I'm looking at a much larger yield with these two. Should be nice.
That's awesome.. I find it cool that you ended up with such distinct characters from bagseed. They both look great.

I did the same thing -- planted 6 bagseed and just 2 of 10 bubblelicious that I paid for thinking the same ("I'll probably fuck this up, so don't waste your paid beans"). They all grew out great and, in many ways, the bubblelicious were a way superior "first grow" in terms of ease. They both went male, though, leaving me with the bagseed that, to me, look like they're at least 50% sativa (the smell of the bag says SATIVA!! too). Got 4 fems at 6wks post 12/12 right now, about 50" apiece, and that's after bending them to control height. Prob'ly about 56-60 full length.

Your girls look real healthy; should have a nice yield. Are you checking pH at all? They're at a stage where low pH problems often pop up.


Well-Known Member
On my first grow it ended up being just a tad over 1/2 oz. Not much but I learned so much from this site gotta love it. I think I got such distinct characters was just random seeds that I have been saving for almost a year. I just grabbed some and away they went. The 5'er is really taking over like I said and she's so thin I'm having to do a lot of anchoring. I guess as long as I can keep her up she'll keep on flowering am I right?


Well-Known Member
On my first grow it ended up being just a tad over 1/2 oz. Not much but I learned so much from this site gotta love it. I think I got such distinct characters was just random seeds that I have been saving for almost a year. I just grabbed some and away they went. The 5'er is really taking over like I said and she's so thin I'm having to do a lot of anchoring. I guess as long as I can keep her up she'll keep on flowering am I right?
Looks like you'll do a fair bit better than a 1/2 this time 'round.

I would think she'd be fine that way. Looks like a pretty pure sativa.. they can be spindly and bent over even under the real sun. Some peeps train them along fences, trellises and such to help support the bud weight, which is basically what you're doing.


Well-Known Member
Always a good thing to know. Thanks for all the advice and great feedback. I'll keep everyone posted with more pics to come.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I would toss a small update on here. It's day 76 or 12/12 for the plant on the right and day 59 for the plant on the left. They are both starting to fill out a lot and the girl on the left is looking amazing. She's about 90% milky right now just waiting for those amber :D. As for the girl on the right I don't know what her deal is. Looks nothing like the "typical" plant I've seen. She's growing flowers pretty much all over instead of at clumped up bud sites like the girl on the left. Looks like she wont give a single real bud just a bunch of shake at this point at least. Any thoughts or ideas feel free.



Well-Known Member
Well it is time to harvest my plant on the left. I'm still not sure how long if ever it will take for the plant on the right. Here are a few shots after I cut the left plant. I'll let ya know how much I got when its dry.



Well-Known Member
damn 5 feet! you will have a very nice yield

Height means dick, if your plants are being stressed.
Those plants in that tiny ass closet under that low wattage light with no ventilation, will be lucky to yield an ounce of bud.

Like you said, this is your second grow.
As you gain experience and money you can build yourself an awesome setup.

Nice harvest man.

GoodLuck. :-P:-P


Well-Known Member
I've got a total of 300 watts between cfl's and an hps lamp. I have some ventilation you just can not see it well in the pics but ive got a fan pulling air from the room outside in the door and a second smaller fan thats blowing out into the attic so they are getting air but I wish I could use a full room. Just not an option at this time. Perhaps when my roomie moves out.