Light Combination


Active Member

Here a PIc of what I imagined for lighting

a combination of 1, 50 Watt MH; 8, 42 watt CFLs and 2, 4 foot T-12s (Daylight Spectrum).

All Placed into a box that is 3' Wide 4' High and 27" deep. Im not good with numbers and build by the seat of my pants, pics of my last grow are on my pics and that was ONLY 10 42 watt CFLS. I got a yield of 1 1/4 Oz's of dried bud from one plant. So I fgured that would allow me to grow my legal limit of 8 Oz's of dried bud per plant. if I had six mature plants as my state allows.

On a tight budget and even tighter schedule so any advice is crucial, I can not spend any more money on lighting and have to make due with what I as far as light but a believe this to be the optimal setup for what I have and the amount of light per square foot should be pretty high if someone could do the calculations .

sempre verde

Active Member
Hey SWIMoryou, Do you really think 400 is too much for 6 plants? Really? Im anewbie and Ive probably got too much then 1. 1000w mh and 2. 400w mh for 6 plants. Is this just rediculous? I simply took "cant have too much light" to the limit I guess and the lights are 2' away. temps at 67-74, hum. low at 0-39% but lots of fresh mountain air. I almost went with 2 1000w. Whatcha think ya'll?


Active Member
Well I only used a 70 Watt HPS 1 time with an 8 inch fan blowing across it and could not keep the temps low enough to not neer smoking the poor plants in the box Due to Height limitations I can only go 4 feet and have massive cooling problems, Normal temp around here for most of the year is 120 deg in the shade keeping ourselves cool in our own house is a bit har let alone adding the heat from a 400 watt HPS although I would sincerely love too.


Active Member
Hey SWIMoryou, Do you really think 400 is too much for 6 plants? Really? Im anewbie and Ive probably got too much then 1. 1000w mh and 2. 400w mh for 6 plants. Is this just rediculous? I simply took "cant have too much light" to the limit I guess and the lights are 2' away. temps at 67-74, hum. low at 0-39% but lots of fresh mountain air. I almost went with 2 1000w. Whatcha think ya'll?
I did not intend on saying the it was two much for the plants (no such thing unless they are drying out in the box (which mine were with the 70 watt HPS) I believe that 450 watt HPS for a 3x4 room not the amount of plants in it I apologioze for any mis implications.


Active Member
i use 6 cfls and one 400w hps. grow space holds 9 plants, got 6 going into flowering tomorrow


Well-Known Member
Hey SWIMoryou, Do you really think 400 is too much for 6 plants? Really? Im anewbie and Ive probably got too much then 1. 1000w mh and 2. 400w mh for 6 plants. Is this just rediculous? I simply took "cant have too much light" to the limit I guess and the lights are 2' away. temps at 67-74, hum. low at 0-39% but lots of fresh mountain air. I almost went with 2 1000w. Whatcha think ya'll?
to be honest i think you will have cooked plants with that much wattage that close also if you plan on using those lights through the whole grow, you are in for some harsh realities. mainly harvested bud that burns up in a hit or less, weed needs red light to grow good buds.
it seems as if you have a pretty optimal setup for that size box swim. if your gunna keep the mh in there for the whole grow switch all your cfls to warm white(27K) for flowering, the mh will provide ample blue light for your plants in flower.


Active Member
to be honest i think you will have cooked plants with that much wattage that close also if you plan on using those lights through the whole grow, you are in for some harsh realities. mainly harvested bud that burns up in a hit or less, weed needs red light to grow good buds.
it seems as if you have a pretty optimal setup for that size box swim. if your gunna keep the mh in there for the whole grow switch all your cfls to warm white(27K) for flowering, the mh will provide ample blue light for your plants in flower.
Ah a voice of reason. I have (suddenly) reacquired my 70 Watt HPS, SO I moved the CFLS to a lower level for vegging along with the MH. And Created the vegging room and right above it will be my sealed from outside light flowering room wich is still 4X3 should I still change the T-12s which will be in the flowering room to a different spectrum other than daylight if I have a 70 HPS running. and 4 t-12 daylights around the sides