When to look for females help please!


Well-Known Member
Ok guys,

I'm normally just a feminised person which has always been my way.

Now i have some expensive beans is my first time doing normal seeds.

I have made a new vegging tank to hold 9 plants.

I am looking hopefully for 4 females from 9.

I hear if i just let them grow after about 4 weeks i will be-able to tell sex?

I do not want to force them into 12/12 for sex as i do not want them stressed in any way.

My plan is to then move the females to my main tank which holds 4 and throw the rest away.

I will then dis-regard the 9 system tank made just for this veg process.

So will i be-able to see sex without going to 12/12 ? if so how long or how big will they need to be, i hear and read after the 8th node maybe i will see something.

any help and advice appreciated.


Well-Known Member
nope, you can veg a plant indefinitely, for years, without it showing sex. some ppl say only 12/12 will show sex...actually, I'm on 13/11 right now, it's intentional, I am flowering.
of 25 plants, after 3 days, I have 11 fems...so far. I'm going for 100% females. of the 25, only 3 are feminized.

you should come look at my thread...why waste 5 expensive seeds, when you only have to germ 4(if that is the
number you want to have in flower).
I'm trying several, male discouraging, techniques...which seem to be working, as I have, about, the ratio you
seem to want, already, after only 3 days in flowering. why settle for 40-45% when you can have 95-100% females?



Active Member
onenumcat, I was just wondering, what techniques are you using to encourage the rate of females being produce and discourage the number of males being produced? I just planted 6 seeds yesterday (I have more that are germinating) and I'm wondering how I can increase my odds of getting all, or at least mostly, females.


Well-Known Member
I would keep them under 24 hrs of light or 18 but when plants are this young i like to get plenty of light on them.once the plants have a few decent nodes on them take a clone of each one number the clone to plant.within a week you should have a little root system then put the clones under 12/12off this will tell you the sex of your plants but it is also keeping the other plants in veg so when you do flower them they will be a nice size,just look for any white on the very top of the clones.make sure that you do this away from your plants if possible because if 1 is male and pollen gets onto your females all the work put in was for nothing watch i grow cronic on you tube this will give u a better idea.


Well-Known Member
onenumcat, I was just wondering, what techniques are you using to encourage the rate of females being produce and discourage the number of males being produced? I just planted 6 seeds yesterday (I have more that are germinating) and I'm wondering how I can increase my odds of getting all, or at least mostly, females.
sry chaos, I'd rather not have to type it all out again...easier for you to visit my grow journal. it's all there, in great detail.


also, one of the techniques, a big one, is done to the seeds...so too late for you.


Well-Known Member
I would keep them under 24 hrs of light or 18 but when plants are this young i like to get plenty of light on them.once the plants have a few decent nodes on them take a clone of each one number the clone to plant.within a week you should have a little root system then put the clones under 12/12off this will tell you the sex of your plants but it is also keeping the other plants in veg so when you do flower them they will be a nice size,just look for any white on the very top of the clones.make sure that you do this away from your plants if possible because if 1 is male and pollen gets onto your females all the work put in was for nothing watch i grow cronic on you tube this will give u a better idea.
that is one way to do it, and a good one too. as far as light goes, I only do more than 18 hrs for the first weed, haha, I mean week, or so. once there are three internodes, I go down to 16 hrs, which is really 15 cuz I give em a one hr 'night light' break in the middle of the 'night'. I give this short amount of light, after the 3 node stage, for about a month. as a cannabis plant has potential for both sex, it may interpret 18-20 hrs of light as being very late in the season, especially if you're using HPS, so, most plants will want to become males, very strongly, in a last ditch effort to pollinate the remaining females. also, they 'know'(falsely) it's gonna be too late for them to produce buds this late in the season, that if they were female, they'd die before being able to produce seeds, so no reason to become female. also, a bulb that is high in 'red' during this early time of a mj plant will produce the same results...high male ratio.


Well-Known Member
onenumcat, I was just wondering, what techniques are you using to encourage the rate of females being produce and discourage the number of males being produced? I just planted 6 seeds yesterday (I have more that are germinating) and I'm wondering how I can increase my odds of getting all, or at least mostly, females.
lol, sry, there is one method, I'll tell you...it's 100% guaranteed to 'turn' all your plants female.

that is CO/carbon monoxide treatment. I did this, and all the other methods too, lol. if you added it all up, my females should be about 160% or so...hahaha.
but the CO treatment can kill you, I had to crawl outta the room...you can read about it in my journal.