What and Where is your favorite Festival?


Active Member
Hey Stoners!

just wanted to see what everyone else is going to this summer.

I really want to go see The Mars Volta at bonnaroo, but its so damn expensive.

What/Where is your favorite Festival?

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
The Cheese Rolling Festival is held every May in Cooper’s Hill, Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom. The festival involves an official tossing a cheese down the extremely steep hill, after which hundreds of people begin to run down the hill (risking life and limb) in order to catch the cheese. Each year the event results in casualties and for this reason children are not allowed to participate, though oftentimes boys from the local town will join in anyway. For the children, there is an uphill race. Women and men race separately in the main event.


Active Member
The Cheese Rolling Festival is held every May in Cooper’s Hill, Gloucestershire in the United Kingdom. The festival involves an official tossing a cheese down the extremely steep hill, after which hundreds of people begin to run down the hill (risking life and limb) in order to catch the cheese. Each year the event results in casualties and for this reason children are not allowed to participate, though oftentimes boys from the local town will join in anyway. For the children, there is an uphill race. Women and men race separately in the main event.
Wow thats interesting! what do you win if you get the cheese first?


Well-Known Member
The global marijuana march in toronto. Been the last 3 years running, and will be back this year!
Shit is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Nickfury says that the Reggae river jam is also a awesome fest

Gathering of the Vibes is good and Mountain Jam is also another good one


Active Member
i may be heading to reading festival in UK this year .... since i live in UK so i can't make these american festivals which is a shame. i'd like to make it to an american music festival someday


Active Member
you guys ever heard of Cavefest? its in Carbondale, IL... all the festivals they have their are a great time..lots of rollin n' tokin. they are having a show on 4/20. the last one had probably 5,000 people or more through out the weekend.. you can camp there also.. there is a fee though, but you can acquire Anything there, lol.. or just setup your tent and chill with others who are setup all around you.. lots of live bands and dj's..

let me know if you want any info on the place:

you can look it up on youtube, i have a few video's up on there under this username.. but just type in cavefest and you should find em and more.. its a great time, check out their myspace to:



ive been to roo the last 3 years and everytime it was amazing.....not going this year though the lineup kinda blows (compared to last years), but roo is by far the best one ive been too.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
renaissance Pleasure festival ..... i will be there this month ...... Always fun just to drink and throw some tomatoes play games .... i pregame in the truck (drink,smoke) then go have some fun.