Here's some info on distilled water.
You see, distilled water is generally free from impurities, toxics and chemicals. Distilled water is in fact odourless and tasteless.
Unlike other purifying methods, distilled water does not contain chlorine. This is because chlorine is left behind when the water is being boiled and left to steam. Although chlorine helps to purify water, it stays in the water for long. Regular drinking of water mixed with chlorine will lead to a number of health problems. Distilled water can also be used on a large scale basis, to contain or avoid the occurrence of any water borne diseases.
Apart from water consumption, distilled water is often use in biochemistry experiments. Using distilled water in experiments will determine the most accurate results. This is due to the fact that it does not contain of any impurities that might react unknowingly in the experiments. Hence, accurate results will not be achieved.