Stunt Flowring help!!! PICS


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
to flush out you need to . if you have a 5 gallon pot then flush with 15 to 20 gallons of water check your runout. and if you want a new light cycle then shut the lights off tell the desired time youwant to come back on. as long as the light was off for at least 12 hours or more. you can flush now and fix your problem and go right back to flowering. it may take a bit longer to finish.


Well-Known Member
I was going to say the same thing markj said,,, good advise... But make sure you take all these suggestions with a grain of salt as most of them are all over the place........ good luck..... check your heat also to make sure you didnt maybe slighly burn any part of her to stunt her,,, make sure their are no hermie charactoristcs happening as that could stall a plant,,, again,, good luck with that............................


Well-Known Member
I know my friend but I think he can get the plant flushed of wrong nute that way and reset the plant clock to restart flowering from zero with the right nutes...

Fuck THAT... Look at the trichomes closely are they clear/cloudy/amber?

That plant is just very immature still...Let it go, bump up the flowering nutes and watch your trichomes. You get what you get.

You'll lose a lot of time reverting that plant back and trying to start all over.

You'd be better of starting ALL OVER again. That plant looks a little like Jack Herrer, but not really. Looks very sativa and could take as long as 16 weeks to flower....just let it go.

When did it start developing buds? Was it about 2-3 weeks or did it take 5-6 weeks? Seems like a very slow flower that's all...let it go.


Well-Known Member
It's why I said before, if you are Patient. If not, Flush and boost Flowering nute after like lasrbrn said.

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
humm patience is ok but there IS A PROBLEM SOME OF THE TRICHOMES ARE BROWN!!!!!!!!!! is it normal or im just freaking out


Well-Known Member
humm patience is ok but there IS A PROBLEM SOME OF THE TRICHOMES ARE BROWN!!!!!!!!!! is it normal or im just freaking out
Some of the trichs have already turned amber? What the hell happened here? how did you let it go so long before questioning what was going on?

I say start all over, but some will say revert it back to veg. Personally, I don't know what happened with them and I would just kill it at this point. Start over fresh and try to get the nutes straight this time. You live you learn.


Well-Known Member
that sucks u cant even imagine!!! I forgot to mention only the trichomes from le lowest buds, id say 5% of them
Well...I would personally let it go until the trichs are all cloudy and then take what you can from it.

Start again with a different strain, different genetics and this time start a grow journal and some of us can help you ensure success.

You have a good setup so it shouldn't be too difficult to get you up and going and getting some smoke real soon.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion...just mine.. as far as you've gotten.. i would let them go, cuz they're pretty big yet. and those budz WILL fill out.. u said this was your first grow.. wel here is your first trial experience.. you dont want to remember your first grow as a complete loss.. Im gonna have to stick with "mygirls" on this one..let it keep going..if you want,, why not get something else started.. like now.. instead of just having to be patient. I like to have something to do in my garden all the time.. its not a loss till its dead or hermi.. get round 2 up and running... this time...correct your errors and do more research..when you think you know a lil...keep reading.. I believe they wil turn out beautiful..give em a chance. good luck:bigjoint::peace:


Well-Known Member
That's it, let them finish using bloom nutes and kill them when ready! Start a new batch as soon as you kill the weird ones...

focus on this 1

Well-Known Member
That's it, let them finish using bloom nutes and kill them when ready! Start a new batch as soon as you kill the weird ones...
yep I have 10 clones - 1 month old - waiting under a neon.

Whats the highest yeild I could get of these plants?


Well-Known Member
7grams?/plants ... hope a bit more but it depends if you will wait too much and get crappy CBN/CBD buds, heavier and etc...


Well-Known Member
Wiating under a neon?

A neon what?

Month old clones?

What is your plan for these clones? Soil or hydro? Let's focus on those.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
CFL's are ok for vegging clones...
they will also flower a plant quit nicely. i did not think this till i saw LET IT BURNS 1st grow. i couldn't believe the yield, cola, and density. i was amazed. :lol:


Well-Known Member
they will also flower a plant quit nicely. i did not think this till i saw LET IT BURNS 1st grow. i couldn't believe the yield, cola, and density. i was amazed. :lol:
I used to think so until I saw that MH+HPS worked even BETTER and I saw a thousand LOUSY CFL grows...Just sayin...