Pre-flower sexing ...male?


Well-Known Member
Well this plant has been vegging for about 4-5 weeks now and I think it might be showing the pre-flower sexing of being a male. I read in the grow FAQ that when the nodes or whatever their called form a claw like this then it is a male... or could it be to soon to tell...



Active Member
thats not a preflower. i have no idea why those plants have those things but even mine has em.

the preflowers start growing right where the branches are formed on the stem. right in that little V they form.


Well-Known Member
Second that. All plants have those. Give it some more time it's pretty obvious.

thats not a preflower. i have no idea why those plants have those things but even mine has em.

the preflowers start growing right where the branches are formed on the stem. right in that little V they form.