anyone on sleep aids, question...


New Member
for anyone on sleeping medication other than our lovely plant..what do you do when you're out of prescription meds, i take out..weed isnt putting me to sleep...

i have things to do tomorrow, and i cant sleep...its so shitty that sleep meds are so dependant...i cant get a wink of shut eye with out them now...

so - what do you guys do?


Well-Known Member
I am on sleep meds too. I dont sleep without them. Shift work, rotating from days to nights weekdays to weekends year after year. Try wal greens or wal mart. Take the otc sleep inducer, a couple of melotonins and some nyquil. You have to make a cocktail. Maybe top it off with a xanax. Good luck


New Member
i dont like xanax, it makes me do things and not remember them...thank you for the input however, i think i might take some tylenol pm's and have another joint..


Well-Known Member
Seriously. I need to know how well that serquol works man. I have a interview in like 6-7 hours and it is now 4:30am and im not tired for shit. I go thru this same problem every fucking night of my life. It starts off with me feeling tired. I might take a VERY HOT shower and lay down (still tired)... then... BAM!!! 10,000 thoughts rush in my head and my heart starts beating fast and i get antsy. So what do i do? I beat my Jimmy in hopes that i'll get tired again. guess what.. Doesn't work. I can jack off all night and not get tired. So thats outta question. take tylenol pm? guess what. I can take 8 of them bitches b4 i get tired. Drink? No thanks. smoke? are you fucking kidding me? I'll play Halo 3 all night Xbox Live style lol fucking dudes up. I dont have medical either so anything i do , comes outta my hard earned and limited dough. how much would it run me?


Well-Known Member
I always make sure I don't drink anything with caffeine in it after 6pm. 2 to 3 hours before I want to be asleep I make sure I am doing nothing besides relaxing, even doing a few dishes will put my body in that 'work' mode. I take sleep meds but I don't want to be dependent on them so I try to take a break here and there. I find that the first week is a bitch and then after that I will start to fall into a pattern and sleep. That will last a few weeks and then I have to go back on them. I don't like being dependent on anything for sleep, but, I am.


Well-Known Member
HmMm. sounds a bit to hardcore for me. I am seriously at my wits end. my whole life is in a spiral "going downward" and i believe alot of it has to do with my sleep. I normaly go 2-3 days b4 i get any sleep. when i do sleep it's more of dead sleep and not recoperative sleep at all. more like my body is saying. "you will die if you dont crash man" type sleep. more of a built in safety net then a willingly sleep.


Well-Known Member
HmMm. sounds a bit to hardcore for me. I am seriously at my wits end. my whole life is in a spiral "going downward" and i believe alot of it has to do with my sleep. I normaly go 2-3 days b4 i get any sleep. when i do sleep it's more of dead sleep and not recoperative sleep at all. more like my body is saying. "you will die if you dont crash man" type sleep. more of a built in safety net then a willingly sleep.
I was the same way, for years. Lack of sleep is nothing to take lightly. It messes with your body and your mind. You need sleep to fully function at your best, without it you can go crazy....You need to get a prescription, I am sure they have milder ones out there. My doctor just likes to go hardcore with me, he worries about my stress levels constantly...But, like I said Ativan is hardcore and I would not recommend it, at first anyway. :peace:


Well-Known Member
what about seroquel? no anything about that? I know i have to do my own research. just lookin to hear any advice i can get. I think im just gonna have to go to a doctor and pay outta pocket and tell them what my main problem is. or can i order online? I have ordered xannax online but i dont wanna go that rout again. Talk about zombie. Can't remember shit when i took those bars lol


New Member
seroquel is pretty solid. im prescribed 200 mg's as many times as needed which is a pretty small dose alone, but i eat about 800mgs before i get to sleep..they take about 45 minutes to "kick in" at 800mgs for me, i weigh 175 soaking wet, about 6 foot tall.

it has some "drag-ass" in the morning for the first couple minutes you're awake, but if you stay awake through it you'll be straight.

hope this helps - im not paying anything for my scripts atm, got new health care provider an they're footin the bill til i get a doctor in their payment plan.


Well-Known Member
seroquel really does help if you really got a hard time sleeping.
Ambien works for a little while if it only happens a few nights.

I get perscribed the 200 milli seroquels too. They made my life A hell of a lot easier


New Member
seroquel really does help if you really got a hard time sleeping.
Ambien works for a little while if it only happens a few nights.

I get perscribed the 200 milli seroquels too. They made my life A hell of a lot easier
yes and no for me..

when i have them

sleep is easily attainable with or without ganja

with out them, sleep is nearly impossible to get at even with our precious plant.


Well-Known Member
I use to have the racing mind problem really bad. Try doing some research on clonodine, I use to use it for about 2 years and it worked really well for me. It worked for me by making me a "sleepy head" and shutting off my racing mind. It's one of those drugs, like MJ, that can be applied to a variety of ailments (it helped me with alcoholism too!). Anyway, do some of your research and talk to your Dr.

Haha wow I just read what I wrote and I sound like I work for pharma! Hope it help!

(no i dont work for pharama btw)