Why Do My Clones Keep Dying


Well-Known Member
Greetings everyone,
Just like the title say's"Why do my clones keep dying?"
Here is the scoop.
Mothers: 3months old Master Kush, and some crazy strong bag seed.
Veg state 18/6
Lights: 2-85w CFL Red 2-42w CFL Blue
Container: 8" Round
Soil: Cactus mix W/Perlite
Nutes: BC 3part Mix 33% every Water

Clones are taken in the morning and evening.
Sterilized exacto knife cut at the base of the stem.
Immed. put into water then cut at 45, peeled alittle, dipped into Clonex put directly into both Rockwool and peatpots.
Heat pad under the inverted container lid as a makeshift Dome.
Watered like normal: Wet when we started when the pots got dry on the skin I watered again, misted alittle.
Noticed the stem on two of the slips were sucked in(like all the water had been sucked out of them)
One is still alive, as of 45 min ago.
And this is my first and second attempt at cloning.
It is not going so well.
I wonder if these mister cloner machines are worth the money?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Try not to peel them, just clip and stick in cloning gel or stimulant and place in medium.


Well-Known Member
Right on, The first attempt was done that way,then i saw a google vid that said to peel.so i tried that

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
ditch the heat pad. I'll wager yer frying em.

lights off to the side...they only need indirect light till they root. Light is heat...heat is BAD.

rockwool should be flushed then pH adj'd to 5.5 for 24 hours or there may be problems cloning in it.

what's the Cactus mix for? 8" container?



Well-Known Member
The soil is what the mothers are in.
I did soak the Rockwool, I was at 7 at the end of about 40 hour soak.
The peat pots got plain water.
Trying on the pics.
will go kill the heat


Well-Known Member
ditch the heat pad. I'll wager yer frying em.

lights off to the side...they only need indirect light till they root. Light is heat...heat is BAD.

rockwool should be flushed then pH adj'd to 5.5 for 24 hours or there may be problems cloning in it.

what's the Cactus mix for? 8" container?

Heat pad is great, I have had better and faster roots with a heat pad on the lowest setting on 24/7 with a folded towel between the pad and the botom of the clone box.

less success without it!



Well-Known Member
yes i know it takes about 3a4 weeks before the root grows.
but when you place your clone into a jiffy mix or something you must trow the water out of it afther they full of it.To mutch water will kill the clones.


Active Member
i hav a 45 botanicare machine with no dome. they look great untill they start to root then the more roots they get the quiker they turn brown and die


Well-Known Member
you have to cut the lower sets of leafs almost in half, it stops growing them and helps root faster. the lower set always dies? im no master, but beginner, i seen a guy on here using low light,24oz bottles and 2l's into a dome with seran wrap on the tops, using peat pellets and rootech gel , roots in 10-14 days through the pellets, no mats or crap, 65-75 degrees. that easy


Active Member
i had the same problem. i went out bought the stuff to make a DIY Aeroponics Cloner.. and so far. no luck with it .. . i went and bought a humidity dome.. and a couple bags of rapid rooters.. and took clones and dipped in clonex.. and put in rapid rooters. pop in humidity dome.. and let sit for 1-2 weeks.. have had better luk with this for some reason so far.. also.. if u cant get clones to root try the air layering method.. works 99 % the time as long as u practice a couple times.. and only do a 2 per plant or it wil take forever to get roots air layering