Nope. Not a socialist. I merely think that socialist policies in America would benefit more people than it would harm. Simple utilitarianism.
In order to continue homeostasis and business as usual in America, we either need to tax the rich and spread it around or invade another country and take all their wealth. Bush tried to invade and pillage - Obama's going to try taxing the rich, like Clinton. I don't mind taxing the rich, nor would a majority of people. It's that simple for me.
As for which of the parties best represents me, I don't know. I will say this. I've definitively voted Republican much more than Democrat. You like them apples?
Utilitarianism?!?! My head is already starting to hurt...
Since you're out there throwing around outlandish ideas, I'm gonna throw mine out there and say this, what this country really needs is Libertarianism - Sorry, I guess I have this crazy idea that the Constitution still means something in this country...
Oh, and it gets crazier...
It's only a matter of time before the people of this country finally wake up and realize that the way our government is really supposed to function, is that we tell the Government what to do - not the other way around. This so called "social contract" we all live under with nothing but taxes, taxes and more taxes in return for a little government indemnity reads to me more like a Protection racket. The politicians of America are really nothing more than greedy gangsters.
Whatever - we survived Bush, we'll survive Obama. I'll be there when the shit house goes up in flames, and I'll be there to help rebuild this country to the way it was once founded.