Well-Known Member
I'd call the cops. They have no jurisdiction in Canada. They'd be in more trouble than I would for a few measly plants.
I would hit my "emergency dea is here" button that is next to me at all times and a trap door would open under my grow and everything would land in a giant flaming pit that would turn everything to ash then the door would close.
Man im sure glad i have that installed.
Put on a DEA jacket and act like you're the first one on the scene.
Then tell them you'll take it from there and that the rest of them can go home while you "dispose" of the evil evil drugs
offer them coffee and try and work something out maybe set up fdd and his large plant show to get off. bwhahahahhah since he likes to sell large amounts of hash 1 gram of hash equals 10 grams of pot in court. or jsut hide in the closet
I've been reading your guys posts on the prices and nearly choked...240/oz here for good BC bud thats the max I've ever paid...seems expensive for you guys..
Ive posted this before.
With only 30 seconds it aint much time,from past personal experiences with police i'd grab a big warm ass sweater & warm clothing & throw it on real quick,if it gets too hot in jail i could use the sweater as a pillow but more likely than not its a meat locker.
If i had extra time maybe scarf down a quick doughnut before they got there.
i would at least hide behind a few locked doors and try to smoke as much of my stash as i can, if im going down, im gonna be fucking retarded first
the DEA isnt going to bust small grows of a few plants
the state police will
stop spreading paranoia because your not tony montana and the governmeent dosent care about your 10 plant grow your just not that important
Lets be serious here,
The DEA is 30 seconds away from your home ready to bust down the doors of where you live. What do you do?
I can't believe people still think like this, especially after a whole season of the show DEA where all they did was bust small street level criminals HOPING TO TURN THEM and move on up the ladder.