12/12 from the begining?


Active Member
Hello all. I'm very glad i've found this thread. I've answered many questions. But still got a few left.
1.) In a room of about 1 square meter i have about 15 plants. 10 of them are quite big (7-8 weeks veg time) and 5 of them - northern light - are just 2 weeks old.
Growing impatient i've changed the lights to 12/12. What do you think will happen with the NL ones?

2.) I've built a reception desk for an event that i've turned into a stealthy groovy growing room. It looks like this. 1.2m long, 0.8m wide, 1.3m high. The front wall is made from opaque plexiglass, the sides and top are wood. There's no backwall. There is a distance between the back of the desk and the wall of about 20cm (8 inches). My timers are set from 8AM to 8PM. This morning i woke at about 7 AM and there was a bit of light outside.
If i seal the back of the desk, there will be ventilation problems. If i set my timer from 7AM to 7PM, i'll have a bit of light in the evenings and i have at least 4 more weeks till my girls will make me happy. That means the day time will grow even more:( and i pretty much don't have any other space options... Any sugestions?


Active Member
Forgot to add and might be important.
Temperature helps me. With no add i have a steady temperature of 75-78 farenheit, CO2 from the room (it's my working room), a 250W HPS and 4x32W fluo all coming from above growing in soil with nutes, doing both watering nutes and foliar feeding and MUSIC in the room 24/24:))


Well-Known Member
why have the other plants been kept in veg for 7-8 weeks? I would venture to say that they are probably growing too slowly. if so, what kind of lights are you using? where does your pH stand? If not, and your just growing really bushy leaves first, they will do just fine. The 2-week old plants will grow bigger as they normally should but will not be very big compared to a plant that is vegged properly first.


Active Member
Well, KittenK, The bigger ones had been in veg for about 7-8 weeks now but i only got the HPS like 3-4 weeks ago and besides you're never sure how big the plant must grow before you switch to flowering and tend to go greedy and let them for a long long time. I'm SURE i've done tons of mistakes so far with my first garden and all i want now is to learn not to do them again next time i start. I'll upload a few pictures as we speak maybe you find some more mistakes from the images:)


Well-Known Member
Well, KittenK, The bigger ones had been in veg for about 7-8 weeks now but i only got the HPS like 3-4 weeks ago and besides you're never sure how big the plant must grow before you switch to flowering and tend to go greedy and let them for a long long time. I'm SURE i've done tons of mistakes so far with my first garden and all i want now is to learn not to do them again next time i start. I'll upload a few pictures as we speak maybe you find some more mistakes from the images:)
that is a great idea. pics would help a lot.


Well-Known Member
hmm. you should probably place the back against a wall. put a fan inside the desk for ventilation. the plexiglass in the front was probably not a great idea. acutally i have a better idea- place the desk against a wall with the plexi side touching the wall and see if you can cover the front side that has nothing on it up by a black garbage bag.


Well-Known Member
the plants look like they are stretching. make sure you have the light as close the the plants as you can without burning them. this will form a lot of new grow shoots off to the side of the plant which will turn into bigger branches and produce more buds. also, the leaves are drooping down- dont overwater.


Active Member
Dude, sounds like you've got an awesome setup. I'd be constantly off my rocker with that much growing lol


Active Member
Black plastic bag - right - good ideea. Will do that right now.
But this still leaves us with the first question... the young Northern Light and the 12/12 lights...will the plants survive at least 1 month till i harvest the big ones even if after i harvest will get back to vegging?
The stretching appeared after i did topping to some of them (had a strange situation 2 weeks ago.... fan leaves turning yellow in less than 3 hours, middle leaves healthier, top...yellow... so my moment decicion was to cut down the sick leaves from both top and bottom and help the plant work on the healthy parts. Seems it was inspired as in less than 24 hours the plant started spreading all directions and new healthy leaves coming from all over.
And yes, i belive you're right. As a begginer i do OVER-EVERYTHING:)) unfortunatelly these days i'm off work so i have alot of time to spend and kill my girls:))


Well-Known Member
Black plastic bag - right - good ideea. Will do that right now.
But this still leaves us with the first question... the young Northern Light and the 12/12 lights...will the plants survive at least 1 month till i harvest the big ones even if after i harvest will get back to vegging?
The stretching appeared after i did topping to some of them (had a strange situation 2 weeks ago.... fan leaves turning yellow in less than 3 hours, middle leaves healthier, top...yellow... so my moment decicion was to cut down the sick leaves from both top and bottom and help the plant work on the healthy parts. Seems it was inspired as in less than 24 hours the plant started spreading all directions and new healthy leaves coming from all over.
And yes, i belive you're right. As a begginer i do OVER-EVERYTHING:)) unfortunatelly these days i'm off work so i have alot of time to spend and kill my girls:))
heh. so your saying that after you harvest the buds from these plants, you want to keep the plants alive so they can go through vegging and flowering again? if so, that shouldnt be a problem, although I have never done it myself. if you meant to say something else just say so.


Active Member
No, i meant "look in the pics at the Northern Lights - the little plants in the front of the growing box. They are way too young for 12/12. What will happen to them after a month of 12/12? Will they die? Will they try to make buds? Will they just grow and after that month, it will be ok to put lights back to 18/6 like nothing happened?
It's quite important to know their chances because where i'm from there's very few sources for weed (and expensive like hell) and i'd hate to run out of fresh home-made buds:)


Well-Known Member
I would have took the northan light out and veg for a little longer i never flower till my plants are at least 1 ft any how.back to the northan lights has long has they have a nice root sytem on they will do ok i would put them in a large tub let them roots get growing.make sure that you let the plant go has long has possible closer to the crop been cut chech the thc to make sur it's amber or i like to call it larger thats what coulour it is.you should still get a decent smoke out of it but make sur your other plants don't smother it keep it close to the light on the same line has the others .you should have waited and veged more though but shit happens.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Tyke, but you dont have to veg them if you dont want to.

The northern lights should be fine if you put them into 12/12 right now but I dont think it is a good idea to take them out of flowering in a month. what do you guys think?


Active Member
the thing is i don;t have any extra space and all the light that i have are 4 mounted T5 and a HID combo (works for both MH and HPS, but not in the same time). Moving the little NLs outdoor now would most defenetly kill them as here is still a cold spring with 15 celsiul daytime and 0-3 degrees celsius nighttime....
I will consider mega-satisfied with the answers i've got so far and will keep you guys informed on how it will go:) Even with the taste of my very first crop:D


Active Member
Just needed to brag a bit and to show you guys what just happened in my garden in about 8 days from the last post. Today i've made a bit of cleaning.
8 days ago i had 16 bigger plants and 6 small northern light that i feared for.
Now i am absolutely positive i have 2 males (killed already) and 5 females. The rest of the 9 of the bigger ones shown no sign of sex yet, but keeing in mind that males shows out first i just prey they won't show me anything yet and turn out to be girls in a few days.
The little NL (which were about 10 days when turned to 12/12 are shown in the picture. No sign of turning to flowering, just an incredible growing speed. I've attached some pictures just to avoid getting you guys bored.
One more question... can someone please give me a link to a trustful seed site from europe that sells feminised autoflowering seeds?
I'm so extremely happy with the results so far...

