world laws trump american laws...


Well-Known Member
That's what this american born and raised 17 yr old cousin of mine and his three bobble headed buddies try and explain to me.
After I got the pleasure to hear about how american sovereignty is racist, I asked them a question. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? I herd paris, london, amsterdam, spain, prague, germany, italy and any remote island. Not one of them said anything about living in the states.

This is the common outlook of american youth?
Are schools teaching anti american propaganda?
The american constutition should be taught more so then just something needed to graduate.


Well-Known Member
My older teen kids come home with heads full of shit. Alot of teachers push beleifs on kids without regard to what mom and dad think. I think learning several diff lines of thought is quite healthy but some of the stuff they teach is crap.


Active Member
My older teen kids come home with heads full of shit. Alot of teachers push beleifs on kids without regard to what mom and dad think. I think learning several diff lines of thought is quite healthy but some of the stuff they teach is crap.
there is so much more happening people are way to distracted by so much B/S that is nothing to worry about you are in charge of you remember that! only you know what is best for you and your kids we dont need an institution its all been there in preparation for what is yet to come its a convenience to a parent who needs to go out and work to put food on the table whilst they have no time to teach their children im not trying to tell anyone how to live their lives just think about it and wake up!!!! peace and love:peace:


Active Member
I home schooled my daugher for high school. She's so much smarter than the average high school graduate because of it too.
I concure with that i started realizing how contaminated the school system was when i was in it beginning my middle school years!!! now i have kids and one attends school cant wait for this year to be over because i am now prepared for home schooling!!!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I have two daughter and both are schooled differently. My oldest is at a private school and youngest at a public school. The difference in education is striking. My youngest comes home towing the democratic party line while spouting that socialism is a good thing. My oldest finished off three years of high school in 1.5 and took the time to figure which system is workable.

It is never dull around my home. One is educated, the other brainwashed. You can probably figure out which is which.


Active Member
I have two daughter and both are schooled differently. My oldest is at a private school and youngest at a public school. The difference in education is striking. My youngest comes home towing the democratic party line while spouting that socialism is a good thing. My oldest finished off three years of high school in 1.5 and took the time to figure which system is workable.

It is never dull around my home. One is educated, the other brainwashed. You can probably figure out which is which.

You get what oyu pay for and you get what you dont pay for....... either way it is very important that as a parent to know what is imporatant about our child education and why are they teaching our kids what they are teaching them.... that is why its called an institution.... it goes as far back.... i want my kids to do what they love because that is the only thing that will ever be fulfilling to them and make them happy and to do it for themselves to help others!!!!


New Member
Public school is ok up to a point, but you want to pull them out before the brainwashing gets too intense. It is important to learn socialization skills as well as them learning about other personality types and who to avoid. It's also important to have daily conversations with your kids about what did you learn today, or do you have homework I can help with (so you can spy and see what the school is up to).


Active Member
Public school is ok up to a point, but you want to pull them out before the brainwashing gets too intense. It is important to learn socialization skills as well as them learning about other personality types and who to avoid. It's also important to have daily conversations with your kids about what did you learn today, or do you have homework I can help with (so you can spy and see what the school is up to).
i have seen it all yeah to a point, by why should there even be a point? well there are many home schooling conventions to attend many different activities to do with other people while being a home schooled child. its up to me to introduce my kids to other social activities so that they learn social skills and i am well gor that!!!!:mrgreen:


New Member
So far, my grandkids school has sent home seditious homework such as: 2+2=4, spell orange-apple-grape- etc. I guess the socialist brainwash starts much later. I'll be keeping a close eye out for it. What a lot of home school proponents seem to forget is the value of social interaction kids get at public school. Networking proves to be a valuable tool in finding work and surviving in this world. Public school makes a kid tougher and more able to cope with the realities of life.


Well-Known Member
What a lot of home school proponents seem to forget is the value of social interaction kids get at public school. Networking proves to be a valuable tool in finding work and surviving in this world. Public school makes a kid tougher and more able to cope with the realities of life.
I concur. Can't instruct social skills, it needs to be applied....and not in a controlled environment!
wacky parents and their play dates.:roll:


Active Member
So far, my grandkids school has sent home seditious homework such as: 2+2=4, spell orange-apple-grape- etc. I guess the socialist brainwash starts much later. I'll be keeping a close eye out for it. What a lot of home school proponents seem to forget is the value of social interaction kids get at public school. Networking proves to be a valuable tool in finding work and surviving in this world. Public school makes a kid tougher and more able to cope with the realities of life.
are you sure that children in school are truly learning to socialize and positivley interact with each other on a real level or a superficial and be cause from what i remember is that there were always groups in school that separated themselves and socialized with people like themselves so all i think we are learning is how to separate ourselves


New Member
are you sure that children in school are truly learning to socialize and positivley interact with each other on a real level or a superficial and be cause from what i remember is that there were always groups in school that separated themselves and socialized with people like themselves so all i think we are learning is how to separate ourselves
If you look at life in general, that is what people do, find people like themselves to associate with. It is the nature of humanity. One wouldn't like to associate with people that pissed them off every time they were around them. Only in the work environment do people have to get along with people they don't like. That is where they can learn tolerance and maybe even understanding of opposition. I never discussed politics at work, and basically got along with most of my co-workers, even though my lifestyle may have differed.


Active Member
So far, my grandkids school has sent home seditious homework such as: 2+2=4, spell orange-apple-grape- etc. I guess the socialist brainwash starts much later. I'll be keeping a close eye out for it. What a lot of home school proponents seem to forget is the value of social interaction kids get at public school. Networking proves to be a valuable tool in finding work and surviving in this world. Public school makes a kid tougher and more able to cope with the realities of life.

my messages have been getting lost, are you sure the kids are learning how to positvely interact with eachother on a true level or on a superficial level, because my experience in school was seeing students separate themselves into groups and separating themselves even farther:peace:.....


Active Member
If you look at life in general, that is what people do, find people like themselves to associate with. It is the nature of humanity. One wouldn't like to associate with people that pissed them off every time they were around them. Only in the work environment do people have to get along with people they don't like. That is where they can learn tolerance and maybe even understanding of opposition. I never discussed politics at work, and basically got along with most of my co-workers, even though my lifestyle may have differed.
yeah that is true.......


Well-Known Member
What a lot of home school proponents seem to forget is the value of social interaction kids get at public school. Networking proves to be a valuable tool in finding work and surviving in this world. Public school makes a kid tougher and more able to cope with the realities of life.
True that man, I'm so glad I wasn't home schooled


Well-Known Member
i feel you man i got into a huge argument on a vg forum and all i really was doing was defending my country, i think alot of foreigners view all americans like they view our government, stupid and completely incompetent.


Well-Known Member
i smoked weed and did acid all through high school.
i almost got kicked out for truancy.
they made me homecoming king.
i cut school after the rally and went to a party.
i didn't go to the dance or the football game.
i guess i washed my own brain.
thank heavens.


Active Member
i feel you man i got into a huge argument on a vg forum and all i really was doing was defending my country, i think alot of foreigners view all americans like they view our government, stupid and completely incompetent.
well for one thing are you refering to the humans here on this land that has been given a name or the way you have been taught to see it!!! because i will not futher this conversation, it is not our fault its the governments fault!!!!:peace: now we must stand and fight for what we believe alone not with a government that has no interest in you. i think they view you this way because many rely on the gov for answers or what step in what direction they shoul take. make your own decisions now!!! we are our own person!!!


Well-Known Member
dude America is on some whack ass type of shit idk anymore.

i would like to move to like Argentina or something it i had money for it