Seeded plants.....again!


Active Member
My females have seeded again:confused: HELP!
I have washed out the cabinet thoroughly after last time and only three weeks in they are all full of tiny seeds, yet no male flowers in sight. What is going on its driving me daft? The plants are all clones from Aurora and a Grapefruit/White widow cross. they have had no stress that i can think of and i gave them Reverse first day in flower and ten days in. Please help me, this is third time on the trot with these plants and they have seeded at different times . First time six weeks in 2nd time five weeks in and now this!

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
do you have a ducted vent system? the pollen can collect in the duct and blow freely with the fan on
oh by the way welcome to RIU...


Active Member
were the clones taken from the mother late in flowering or something? he is right with the duct thing, good thinking.


Active Member
were the clones taken from the mother late in flowering or something? he is right with the duct thing, good thinking.
No they were taken day before i put mothers in flower as usual. I dont have duct venting so pollen couldnt be there . The cross seeds were from a seeded grow though, dont know whether from hermie or male. Could the plants be hermie and if so could they self seed without me seeing a male flower? they must have seeded from minute one! Oh and does Reverse with Penetrator do any thing coz i sprayed them and they still have seeds? I am going insane . this after five years with no problems apart from the odd spider mite or so. Badly need to get some decent seeds and start again. Oh is it worth growing these on? or will there be nothing but seed at harvest time? as you can see i'm desperate:cry: by the way thanks for your welcome, it took me an hour to suss out how to post


Active Member
No i haven't got duct venting so pollen couldn't be there. Christ i am getting desperate, gonna just start again with new feminised seeds (when i can afford them!) How do i ensure that the grow is totally clean any tips? Thanks for the welcome, pity my debut is like this would have liked to begin with photos of my successful harvest!