Making Tea - is EZ.... & Cheap !

Ghostsamurai..... Some strains are light feeders, others are hungry beasts. You have to feed accordingly.
If you were nute burning your plants, why did you not reduce the mixing strength / volume applied ?
Chem or organic - overfeeding is toxic to Mary. As a general rule, it's much easier to nute burn plants with chem nutes, since they are highly soluble and tend to have bigger NPK numbers. So, merely going chem will not solve the problem - overfeeding is overfeeding.
Low, slow and steady feeding gets the best results. Don't buy into the more is better thing - big fert companies are trying to sell. Plus don't believe anyone who tells you, you can fertilize (chem or organic) a ditch weed strain of Mary into NYC Diesel quality herb.
Sorry to hear your plants died, but organic fertilizers are not the cause.

Thanks buddie for the advice, I was pissed and venting. Your right about going slow, I thought I had build them up to be able to handle the increase. This was the third time I actually ferted them. The clones were placed in a mixture of worm casting perlite and some 8 dollar dirt from lowes or hd. The mix wasnt that bad, some cups(16oz) seem to have been hotter than others. Plants were perfect, I mean perfect dark green, not defe. what so ever. On the third feed 3/21 it went down hill, however not as bad as I originaly thought, only a 2 plants suffered burns on a few leaves, the leaves were crispy, straight up broke off. Nasty rusty brown, like the tea was built up in the leaf vains and hardened. Crazy! So I checked them tonight and they were ok, no more bad effects, I will water only for the next week and go back to light, I mean light tea and top dressing. Hell I might not even use the tea, even though I hate wasting anything. I might just use the botanicare as directed with the high p bat guano as a top dressing. What do you thinK?
I feed once a week. water, water, feed, water, water feed. I skip a day in between waterings.
I am scared of tea, the last year I have stunted the yield on my grows with using the tea method.
Im going to order a tds meter, Im dieing to see what the ppm is for the tea im using.
O ok thanks ohso, i just have to feel the different strains out. I had to throw my tea out yesterday because it was starting to smell like mildew or old water. It was my first tea with out using SPT and it bubbled very actively the whole time it bubbled with an air stone. I used a normal strength dosage on everything, is there 2 things that are not supposed to mix, or how would i be able to prevent this next time?
Here's one.

1 Gallon of water
1 TBSP of guano (I've read that for a flowering mix use Jamaican or Indonesian Bat Guano - for a more general use fertilizer use Peruvian Seabird Guano.)
1 tsp blackstrap or sugar beet molasses
Mix the ingredients directly into the water and allow the tea mix to brew for 24 hours. Use an aquarium pump to aerate the tea, but occasionally shaking it (more than once!!!) will produce a quality tea.

Some prefer to use a lady’s nylon or stocking to hold the guano and keep it from making things messy, but the organic matter the manure can contribute to the soil is a good thing. Using this method the plants are getting the benefits of a manure tea and a guano top-dressing all together in the same application. If you use the stocking method, dump the”tea bag”leftovers in a compost bin. Even after a good brewing there’s lots of organic goodness left in that crap!

Besides watering, you can also foliar feed every 2 weeks or so but def stop 2-3 weeks before harvest. Otherwise, the old saying, "smokin some good shit" literally becomes "smokin some good shit". :)
O ok thanks ohso, i just have to feel the different strains out. I had to throw my tea out yesterday because it was starting to smell like mildew or old water. It was my first tea with out using SPT and it bubbled very actively the whole time it bubbled with an air stone. I used a normal strength dosage on everything, is there 2 things that are not supposed to mix, or how would i be able to prevent this next time?
Swishatwista...... The only way to keep a tea from going sour (anerobic) is to keep it bubbling or refrigerate it (keeping it cold/not frozen - only works for a couple of days). Otherwise, the good micro-beasties will use up the oxygen in the mix, then the no-so-nice guys will start working on souring the mix.
The reason the SPT works so well is, BMO injects a small colony of dead no-so-nice micro-beasties into their mix while making it. The good guys react by excreting substances which drive away or kill the bad guys. But since they're already dead, these excretions remain in solution.
Later, when you pour some SPT into a tea you're brewing, they are already a colony of good guys - well fed & happy, with no enemies in their mix, and good excretions are present to boot. So, they have no problem, overtaking & ruling the tea - just keep the oxygen coming & they keep growing in numbers - breaking down all the amendments you've put in your bucket - steadily making them more soluble for Mary.
On the subject of are there things you should not mix in teas - no. Practically any organic amendment can be mixed together, just remember all the numbers add up. If you add cow manure, then rabbit manure, then something else. The NPK numbers are increasing with each thing you add. Simply teas work best, when too many things are added - it's much harder to keep track of the numbers.
With your teas, keep the oxygen coming, get some SPT or both for best tea results...... & just in case someone is wondering " Can I brew (bubble) a tea too long ? " The anwser is no. I've bubbled them for up two weeks, with no ill effects.
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....
Alright im a little confused, first off, my tea was always being oxogenated with an air stone, there was not one second when it was turned off, but it still soured within 2 days. Should i have added some SPT in the tea at some point? And i thought it gets more soluable the more its being brewed, not by adding spt to it, but either it works for me. I was planning on adding spt when i water and none with my tea mix, but should i add a low dose into my tea and a low dose into my watering mix as well? I just dont understand why my tea soured
old thread and didn't read it all...but a quick note. If you are going to compost or make tea....EVERY manure you can find is better for the mix. Chicken, cow and mushroom are easy to find, but adding every animal type you can get is even better for the MOST rounded fert/tea you can make. If you are near a zoo..get some shit! Stick it in your back yard for a month and mix it constantly. Read posts on how to make compost, but everything you can add to the pile is better than a few bags of stuff you find at home depot.
I can say one thing you can never have to much air pushed into your tea.I went to canada to have A guy show me how to make tea.he makes it 250 gallons at a time.He even watches the oxg. level on a computer.The more things liveing and xxxx = alot of oxg needed I asked him about the set ups in a fish tank and he just smiled .He has a blower set up in his it looks like a water fall of bubbles. I have a 35 gallon galv. trash can temp 70 deg. 4 cups compost 4 cups worm poo and 1/4 cup molasis and 1/2 cup of fish that is 3 months old it should look like sludge .the air is a old air blower from a hot tub pushing air down a pvc pipe running to the bottom of the drum ,it has small holes drilled in it on the lower 1/4 so it will bubble, cap the end..after 48 hours add to garden or plants put in fridge 24 hours no longer. After each batch clean with bleach and water.
I can say one thing you can never have to much air pushed into your tea.I went to canada to have A guy show me how to make tea.he makes it 250 gallons at a time.He even watches the oxg. level on a computer.The more things liveing and xxxx = alot of oxg needed I asked him about the set ups in a fish tank and he just smiled .He has a blower set up in his it looks like a water fall of bubbles. I have a 35 gallon galv. trash can temp 70 deg. 4 cups compost 4 cups worm poo and 1/4 cup molasis and 1/2 cup of fish that is 3 months old it should look like sludge .the air is a old air blower from a hot tub pushing air down a pvc pipe running to the bottom of the drum ,it has small holes drilled in it on the lower 1/4 so it will bubble, cap the end..after 48 hours add to garden or plants put in fridge 24 hours no longer. After each batch clean with bleach and water.

I never clean my bucket in between teas. Think it is really necessary? I have heard that the o2 kills all the bad bacteria and feeds the good.
5 stars and rep Ohsogreen. I haven't finished reading the 28 page thread, but so far I'm learning a great deal. Thank you.
thanks for all the advice. I have been aerating my bat guano and spt and bio bizz tea for 2 feeds. I use the bio bizz moslty for the K as it is far weeker than the guano. Full tea has SPT, Bio Bizz, Bat guano, eggshell water, molasses.
OhSo, what do you think about using some form of Humic Acid in your teas? I've been looking into getting Humbodlt's Hum-Bolt, which is 8% Humic Acid. Think I should get some and add it to a tea?
OhSo, what do you think about using some form of Humic Acid in your teas? I've been looking into getting Humbodlt's Hum-Bolt, which is 8% Humic Acid. Think I should get some and add it to a tea?

my tea has it.

my mix goes as follows.

Ancient amber aka humic acid
organic B AN

i dont use any N fert cuzz my soils so hott but i do add bmo's flower power once in a while in the start of flower.

any comments?
OhSo, what do you think about using some form of Humic Acid in your teas? I've been looking into getting Humbodlt's Hum-Bolt, which is 8% Humic Acid. Think I should get some and add it to a tea?

I LOVE humic acid. My grow store gave me a bottle for free. I use it religiously in my teas and when i germ seeds. It is a natural damp off preventative.
my tea has it.

my mix goes as follows.

Ancient amber aka humic acid
organic B AN

i dont use any N fert cuzz my soils so hott but i do add bmo's flower power once in a while in the start of flower.

any comments?

Ancient Amber only has .1% Humic Acid in it. Hum-Bolt has 8%. Not sure if it makes a difference though, but since I grow indoors, I figured it would be a good idea to get some to protect Mary from stress.
my tea has it.

my mix goes as follows.

Ancient amber aka humic acid
organic B AN

i dont use any N fert cuzz my soils so hott but i do add bmo's flower power once in a while in the start of flower.

any comments?
you use hygrozyme in your tea? what does that do?

i have some hygrozyme but i dont understand what it's for so i havent used it. i make tea with just wormcastings kelp molasses and sometimes add a little fish and mychrorizzae at the very end of the cycle.

what is hygrozyme? the bottle just says its an enzyme...