4 Skunk 2 Bagseeds CFL GROW

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
I started them a couple weeks ago, i have 4 skunk seed and 2 bag seeds the 4 skunk came from attitude seedbank. Im using cfl to grow them i have 6 cfl bulbs and two humidifiers to keep the humidity up.....I really need help when it comes to feeding them, cause i really dont know what to do so please someone help me with a watering and nute plan so i can have strong healthy ladies....


Well-Known Member
water them like once every 3 days.... eventually youll be able to tell by the weight of the cups ..... very light they need water.

you can start nutes in a week ... and i would transplant them then too

good luck ! :)

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
water them like once every 3 days.... eventually youll be able to tell by the weight of the cups ..... very light they need water.

you can start nutes in a week ... and i would transplant them then too

good luck ! :)

any other advice for a beginner?

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
Well i have decided to use the spray/misting technique to water my potential ladies.....lord knows i hope they are ladies!!!! i will be usin a 400 w to flower when the time comes...but they are looking all right to me what do you guys think???


Well-Known Member
saw this dude use two cups, a clear one inside of a solo. This way he could watch the roots grow. His were alot bigger b/4 transplant. Look around, its a cool freekin thread. If i find again i post it here. From What i seen there...saw something else on how much ligh diminishes from a small distance with cfl. something like after 6 inches it loses half of intensity....thats here somewhere too, also very interesting. This is a pothead nerd playhouse baby.......grow your brain and use it too!

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
those plants look a little streched i would say to put your lights down a little
yeah i was thinking that myself im going to buy more rope so i can lower them...do they look good besides that ???? and how much water should the be getting daily and every other day?

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
I lowered the lights, and have a total of 6 cfl lights in there(should i get more?) 2 humidifiers, one runs 24/7 and the other is on a timer and comes on every 15minutes at a time... the temp in there is between 74 to 80 degrees humidity is around 60%.

I dont know when i should transplant them so i will do it at the end of next week..I have a fan in there blowing on low and a fan bringing in fresh air on the top.....


Well-Known Member
Rick....what kind of CFL's are you using? The daylight kind, blue packaging? Do you see a number with a K next to it? Like 6500k, 3500k, 2700k, etc? What is it?

What kind of water are you using? Are your plants currently in those 12 ounce keg cups?

What kind of soil are you using? Do you have the lights on 24/0 or 18/6? Is there a fan for air circulation?

Do you have any holes poked in the bottom of the cup for drainage?

Listen to Weedman420, he knows his shit. Just observe your plants. They will tell you when they are thirsty. The cups will be very light when you pick them up and the soil will be dry to the touch. Not just right on top, but also down below the surface.

I would either buy water for 89 cents a gallon at Walmart (spring water, ionized and ozonated). No nutes yet. Just give them a good amount. Fill up an empty keg cup, like the ones you are using to grow in. Water then plant well until a good amount drains out the bottom of the container. Marijuana likes to be flooded, meaning lots of water when you water, then none for a few days till it dries out. As long as you let the soil dry out in between waterings, you will be fine.

I have some seedlings going now. I water them every two days but mine are at about 80 degrees so they dry out faster. I use the same small cup to water as I did to plant in. When watering though, I filled the cup up about half way and give it all that water. So for you, try about half a cup or maybe a little less of a blue keg cup.

What nutes are you planning on using? Do you have a grow shop around?

Well if you take the time to answer ALL of these questions then I will be able to actually help you. Otherwise, I and others can give you GENERAL advice, but if you arent gifted with a green thumb you may need more help than that.

Well get back to me.


Well-Known Member
def let them dry inbetween waterings, makes the roots work for the water, careful not to overwater! (holes in bottom will help this!)

you could use just superthrive for now if you wanted

if you use tap water let it sit out 24 hours to let chlorine evaporate

a ph test kit is a good investment!! tap water is usually pretty basic

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
Rick....what kind of CFL's are you using? The daylight kind, blue packaging? Do you see a number with a K next to it? Like 6500k, 3500k, 2700k, etc? What is it?

What kind of water are you using? Are your plants currently in those 12 ounce keg cups?

What kind of soil are you using? Do you have the lights on 24/0 or 18/6? Is there a fan for air circulation?

Do you have any holes poked in the bottom of the cup for drainage?

Listen to Weedman420, he knows his shit. Just observe your plants. They will tell you when they are thirsty. The cups will be very light when you pick them up and the soil will be dry to the touch. Not just right on top, but also down below the surface.

I would either buy water for 89 cents a gallon at Walmart (spring water, ionized and ozonated). No nutes yet. Just give them a good amount. Fill up an empty keg cup, like the ones you are using to grow in. Water then plant well until a good amount drains out the bottom of the container. Marijuana likes to be flooded, meaning lots of water when you water, then none for a few days till it dries out. As long as you let the soil dry out in between waterings, you will be fine.

I have some seedlings going now. I water them every two days but mine are at about 80 degrees so they dry out faster. I use the same small cup to water as I did to plant in. When watering though, I filled the cup up about half way and give it all that water. So for you, try about half a cup or maybe a little less of a blue keg cup.

What nutes are you planning on using? Do you have a grow shop around?

Well if you take the time to answer ALL of these questions then I will be able to actually help you. Otherwise, I and others can give you GENERAL advice, but if you arent gifted with a green thumb you may need more help than that.

Well get back to me.

They are 6500k i have six of them in there currently. Im am using bottled water until they get a little bit bigger than i will start to use tap and adjust the ph. I have some nutes that i got from an online store cause i couldn't find any growshops around my way. like i know what needs to be done i just need some guidence from more gifted ppl like yourself is all....

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
well what do you want to know exactly?
well for one how to set up that firewall like you did so that you cant be tracked and stuff....

i just want to know if im on the right track, cause last time i tried this they either died or i got a male if my memory serves me right.

but 1st thing though when should i transplant them and is a 2 gallon bag big enough!


Well-Known Member
I would transplant them in a couple weeks or so. The theory is to transplant a couple weeks before putting them into flower so they have time to recover from the shock. but there is no major hurry. i have mine in smaller cups than yours and they are bigger, no issues yet!

what soil are you using? i would suggest adding one tablespoon of dolamite lime per gallon of soil. you can find it at home depot or lowes. it helps with tons of stuff, like maintaining a good ph level for starters.

make sense?

Rick McNasty

Well-Known Member
I would transplant them in a couple weeks or so. The theory is to transplant a couple weeks before putting them into flower so they have time to recover from the shock. but there is no major hurry. i have mine in smaller cups than yours and they are bigger, no issues yet!

what soil are you using? i would suggest adding one tablespoon of dolamite lime per gallon of soil. you can find it at home depot or lowes. it helps with tons of stuff, like maintaining a good ph level for starters.

make sense?
yeah that makes sense i gotta go out to home depot morrow and ill get that do you think that i need more lights?


Well-Known Member
more light = good

more light = heat = bad

so, you should have as much light as you possibly can while still keeping your temps at or below 82 degrees.