obama saves 25 jobs


Well-Known Member
I did feel like we were short 25 police officers, so I'm glad it worked out, I feel safer now.

At this rate...
Let me pull out my calculator
651000 Job cuts in feb.
Obama needs to hire 26040 police officers every day this month just to catch up.

As the days of our lifes continues.


Well-Known Member
wow...he is making this whole recession so much better by hiring 25 more pigs....a plant just closed a town over thats gonna leave 375 people jobless...oh yes..we need more fucking cops..."you better not fart sideways or you'll be busted"....yeah..america...i sure feel free.....


Well-Known Member
I was just reading about the tax break being cut in half for home buyers and car buyers.
Does this not show intent; they don't want to fix either problem.
Maybe I just don't understand. Someone, anyone, please explain to me...why?

OMG It's one thing after another! From the gov't, the media, a looming depression, a second war-to-tanted bottled water, sickly food, cancer agents in laundry detergent and deodorants. The list ever stops!


Well-Known Member
25 WHOLE jobs?
But these are magical, Obama type jobs, for they are in THE GOVERNMENT, and THE GOVERNMENT can fix all your problems, remember, they want to help you...

by taking all your money, all your freedoms, and leaving you with JACK SHIT.

Their economic model
Everyone is poor
except for Government employees, who range from affluent to insanely wealthy.


Well-Known Member
THE GOVERNMENT can fix all your problems, remember, they want to help you...

by taking all your money, all your freedoms, and leaving you with JACK SHIT.

Their economic model
Everyone is poor
except for Government employees, who range from affluent to insanely wealthy.
What if there is no crazy master plan in the works? What if the hebetude of the gov't is at face value?
For me, that thought scares me even more so then the nwo subject. Seeing how the gov't is so insanely irresponsible and how they impede on themselfs from every angle, it's really hard to buy into 'the master plan.'

Gross negligence is more then likely the man behind the curtain.
I starting to think no ones driving the bus as it's gaining speed.


Well-Known Member
What if there is no crazy master plan in the works? What if the hebetude of the gov't is at face value?
For me, that thought scares me even more so then the nwo subject. Seeing how the gov't is so insanely irresponsible and how they impede on themselfs from every angle, it's really hard to buy into 'the master plan.'

Gross negligence is more then likely the man behind the curtain.
I starting to think no ones driving the bus as it's gaining speed.
Don't forget that the breaks are broken, and it's heading towards the cliff edge on a 80 degree slope.


New Member
Seems to me they will have to legalize, just think of all the revenue and all the other side products from it we could cash in on.


New Member
Whoah gents and ladies, Obamas been in office 45 days, and you expect him to fix everything overnight? He's good, but you cant go to a trainwreck and expect to rebuild a new train in a couple a months, even a couple a years. this shit has been coming ever since Reagan/Bush I/BushII turned the Capitalists loose without any regulations, now the chickens have come home to roost. I say let the banks and wall street go down the tubes, oh yeah about those companies too big to fail, fuck-em, let them fail, especially those weasel insurance companies, AIG in particular. For all you idiots that are pushing privitazation of SS, maybe you should step back and look at the DOW, -50% or more and no bottom in site. Hoooraahhh, I think I'll put all my SS money in the stock market, give it to those idiot thieving traders on wall street, hell yeah, Idiots.


Well-Known Member
The problem is with the FED and the Treasury dept. The FED made money to available it propped up the market after the dot com bust and interest rates have been way to low ever sence. Add to this the regulations put in place by Carter and Clinton that made it to easy to get a mortgage. The Low interest rates and skyrocketing home prices caused people to malinvest. That was the problem.

Now the problem is the bail-outs. The bail-outs were supposed to be to shore up investments so that the insurance companies and banks could auction off assets to bail themselves out. Instead we followed the British example and purchased stock in the failing companies. Now we loss our "investment" and the companies can't sell their questionable assets. Even companies that did not need or want money (Northern trust, 3rd/5th bank) were forced to take it. Then when they did what they do, like wine and dine their biggest investors and assure them that their institutions are fine, they are criticized for using taxpayer money to hold meetings in Vegas.

Yes the banks should have been allowed to fail. Housing prices should be allowed to come down. I hold that if we had sound money and a 100% reserve banking system we would need very few regulations from the government. As business will in a stable system run a sound system on their own. The Government should only act in cases of Fraud. Otherwise keep out. All you do is Mess up the system and cause problems.

We are about to get a heavy dose of Obamanomics. This will decide the fate of the country. Will we move towards bigger government more regulations (sponsored by Big businesses, to shut the little guy out of the market) Tax increases during a recession. Government controlled health care (think DMV). Huge budgets we can't afford. Enormous debt (not that its not already enormous). Nationalization of banking and God only knows what else.

I love Obamanomics because (unless I miss my mark) it will mean only four years of Obama and fiscal conservatives will inherit the White House for the rest of my natural life. It will mean such a horrible burden that a true Fiscal Conservative with Balls the size of Church bells will have to come in to save America from itself.

It will mean that the Republicans will have to bite the bullet and make the hard choices. Like going to a gold or silver (commodities) standard, ending the FED, ending foreign adventurism and ending the war on drugs. And currently there is only one Republican who has that kind of testicular fortitude. We need a Ron Paul before its to late.


New Member
The problem is with the FED and the Treasury dept. The FED made money to available it propped up the market after the dot com bust and interest rates have been way to low ever sence. Add to this the regulations put in place by Carter and Clinton that made it to easy to get a mortgage. The Low interest rates and skyrocketing home prices caused people to malinvest. That was the problem.

Now the problem is the bail-outs. The bail-outs were supposed to be to shore up investments so that the insurance companies and banks could auction off assets to bail themselves out. Instead we followed the British example and purchased stock in the failing companies. Now we loss our "investment" and the companies can't sell their questionable assets. Even companies that did not need or want money (Northern trust, 3rd/5th bank) were forced to take it. Then when they did what they do, like wine and dine their biggest investors and assure them that their institutions are fine, they are criticized for using taxpayer money to hold meetings in Vegas.

Yes the banks should have been allowed to fail. Housing prices should be allowed to come down. I hold that if we had sound money and a 100% reserve banking system we would need very few regulations from the government. As business will in a stable system run a sound system on their own. The Government should only act in cases of Fraud. Otherwise keep out. All you do is Mess up the system and cause problems.

We are about to get a heavy dose of Obamanomics. This will decide the fate of the country. Will we move towards bigger government more regulations (sponsored by Big businesses, to shut the little guy out of the market) Tax increases during a recession. Government controlled health care (think DMV). Huge budgets we can't afford. Enormous debt (not that its not already enormous). Nationalization of banking and God only knows what else.

I love Obamanomics because (unless I miss my mark) it will mean only four years of Obama and fiscal conservatives will inherit the White House for the rest of my natural life. It will mean such a horrible burden that a true Fiscal Conservative with Balls the size of Church bells will have to come in to save America from itself.

It will mean that the Republicans will have to bite the bullet and make the hard choices. Like going to a gold or silver (commodities) standard, ending the FED, ending foreign adventurism and ending the war on drugs. And currently there is only one Republican who has that kind of testicular fortitude. We need a Ron Paul before its to late.
It's the old worn out, "Ron Paul saves the world" scenario all over again. Sorry charlie, that ship has sailed. He had some good Ideas and some terrible ideas, all in all, he's not a bad dude, but the players will never play with him. Take his foriegn policy agenda, (which I loved by the way), does anyone think the PTB would let him close down all those bases that protect their interests in those countries??? Not a fucking chance. How about stopping the lobbying, or getting rid of the FED, no chance either. So, he was/is just a bag of hopes, and as Obama is finding out, the PTB are way too strong to let go of control and allow any significant changes.


New Member
The problem is with the FED and the Treasury dept. The FED made money to available it propped up the market after the dot com bust and interest rates have been way to low ever sence. Add to this the regulations put in place by Carter and Clinton that made it to easy to get a mortgage. The Low interest rates and skyrocketing home prices caused people to malinvest. That was the problem.

Now the problem is the bail-outs. The bail-outs were supposed to be to shore up investments so that the insurance companies and banks could auction off assets to bail themselves out. Instead we followed the British example and purchased stock in the failing companies. Now we loss our "investment" and the companies can't sell their questionable assets. Even companies that did not need or want money (Northern trust, 3rd/5th bank) were forced to take it. Then when they did what they do, like wine and dine their biggest investors and assure them that their institutions are fine, they are criticized for using taxpayer money to hold meetings in Vegas.

Yes the banks should have been allowed to fail. Housing prices should be allowed to come down. I hold that if we had sound money and a 100% reserve banking system we would need very few regulations from the government. As business will in a stable system run a sound system on their own. The Government should only act in cases of Fraud. Otherwise keep out. All you do is Mess up the system and cause problems.

We are about to get a heavy dose of Obamanomics. This will decide the fate of the country. Will we move towards bigger government more regulations (sponsored by Big businesses, to shut the little guy out of the market) Tax increases during a recession. Government controlled health care (think DMV). Huge budgets we can't afford. Enormous debt (not that its not already enormous). Nationalization of banking and God only knows what else.

I love Obamanomics because (unless I miss my mark) it will mean only four years of Obama and fiscal conservatives will inherit the White House for the rest of my natural life. It will mean such a horrible burden that a true Fiscal Conservative with Balls the size of Church bells will have to come in to save America from itself.

It will mean that the Republicans will have to bite the bullet and make the hard choices. Like going to a gold or silver (commodities) standard, ending the FED, ending foreign adventurism and ending the war on drugs. And currently there is only one Republican who has that kind of testicular fortitude. We need a Ron Paul before its to late.
That's an excellent post ilkhan. The only thing I would take issue with is ... there are PLENTY of Republicans (and others) who have the balls to make a difference besides Ron Paul. The problem is, most of the uninformed public watches/reads the Main Stream Media ... the the MSM is solidly in bed with the Marxist/Fascist/Socialist Democrats. As a result, the enemy is winning the propaganda war.



Well-Known Member
Whoah gents and ladies, Obamas been in office 45 days, and you expect him to fix everything overnight? He's good, but you cant go to a trainwreck and expect to rebuild a new train in a couple a months, even a couple a years. this shit has been coming ever since Reagan/Bush I/BushII turned the Capitalists loose without any regulations, now the chickens have come home to roost. I say let the banks and wall street go down the tubes, oh yeah about those companies too big to fail, fuck-em, let them fail, especially those weasel insurance companies, AIG in particular. For all you idiots that are pushing privitazation of SS, maybe you should step back and look at the DOW, -50% or more and no bottom in site. Hoooraahhh, I think I'll put all my SS money in the stock market, give it to those idiot thieving traders on wall street, hell yeah, Idiots.
id like to take this time to thank you and all of your democratic union non working welfare brethern to contributing to my retirement account.money does not just evaporate in todays market place.isnt it wonderfull.
it just changes hands,.from your hand to my hand,just like magic medomao,
how do you like the ponzi sceme we set up to fleece you suckers with?
pretty damn slick if you ask me.you all lose your jobs and homes and we get richer in the process,
us evil rich are so clever.LOL
i could take some time and show you how its done.but the game is rigged in our favor.just like las vegas
you know how the house always wins dont you med?


Well-Known Member
Whoah gents and ladies, Obamas been in office 45 days, and you expect him to fix everything overnight? He's good, but you cant go to a trainwreck and expect to rebuild a new train in a couple a months, even a couple a years. this shit has been coming ever since Reagan/Bush I/BushII turned the Capitalists loose without any regulations, now the chickens have come home to roost. I say let the banks and wall street go down the tubes, oh yeah about those companies too big to fail, fuck-em, let them fail, especially those weasel insurance companies, AIG in particular. For all you idiots that are pushing privitazation of SS, maybe you should step back and look at the DOW, -50% or more and no bottom in site. Hoooraahhh, I think I'll put all my SS money in the stock market, give it to those idiot thieving traders on wall street, hell yeah, Idiots.
lol thats funny, at this point in bush's presidency he had an 87%aproval rating(the highest ever) and had cut gov spending by 9% and gave corprate tax breaks which led to an increase in jobs. lol obama is great, no thats great.
SOCIALISM DOESNT WORK. didnt work for france, germany, italy, australia, wont work here end of story. why cant democrats see that?


Well-Known Member
lol thats funny, at this point in bush's presidency he had an 87%aproval rating(the highest ever) and had cut gov spending by 9% and gave corprate tax breaks which led to an increase in jobs. lol obama is great, no thats great.
SOCIALISM DOESNT WORK. didnt work for france, germany, italy, australia, wont work here end of story. why cant democrats see that?
Because they don't want to see it.

They have this dream of a nation where everyone is equally rich (ignoring the fact that redistribution will lead to inflation making everyone poorer.)

Where everyone has free medical, and ignores the fact that it will be of low quality due to the failure of government to pay the doctors a decent wage, while still subjecting them to having to have malpractice insurance. For proof of the reason why Socialized Medicine won't work, one need to look no further than the public education system.

What universities are well known?

Harvard - PRIVATE

Lots of Community Colleges - Public, but who can honestly state that having the name of a Community College means anything special, not to mention that the tenured professors at Private Universities tend to make more.

Then there's the general education system, which takes US Citizens, who start at the top of the International Order (Top 10 in Math, Reading Comp., Science in the 4th grade) and destroy their minds while turning them into rabid supporters of Statism, and rabid Consumers that have an addition to credit cards, and leaves them in the bottom 25 - 30th, competing with small third world nations for intellectual ability.


New Member
bush fucked us. gotta be a COMPLETE idiot not to be able to admit that. :)
How many times do the conservatives/libertarians posting in this forum have to admit that Bush was no conservative, and that he damaged the credibility of the Republican Party, and conservatism in general, before you and others stop with the Bush mania?

I mean, look ... we are in opposition to Obama for the exact same reasons we were in opposition to Bush. Just the fact that we speak out against the monster machine of the Democrat Party doesn't mean we were Bush supporters.

Not dissing you, man ... I'm just saying ... :)



Well-Known Member
How many times do the conservatives/libertarians posting in this forum have to admit that Bush was no conservative, and that he damaged the credibility of the Republican Party, and conservatism in general, before you and others stop with the Bush mania?

I mean, look ... we are in opposition to Obama for the exact same reasons we were in opposition to Bush. Just the fact that we speak out against the monster machine of the Democrat Party, doesn't mean we were Bush supporters.

Not dissing you, man ... I'm just saying ... :)

Vi, you diss everyone and then punctuate it with a smiley. Think that get's you off the hook? Think again fool.