Help with first grow (pics)


Well-Known Member
bought my first clone about 9 days ago. theleaves are turning yellow and curling. and now the stalk is turning redish purple any suggestions or ideas whats wrong



Well-Known Member
New growth looks good, clones can use up the nutes in the old growth before they start taking from roots. Throw some perlite in your soil when you transplant, looks a little heavy.


Well-Known Member
Looks a little pale, make sure to add fish emulsion (High in Nitrogen 5-1-1) into your water. I wouldn't recommend artificial ferts like Miracle grow, they burn. Also your soil looks a little saturated, either you just watered or you are overwatering. You should only be watering every 3 days or so. It is normal for clones to use the leaf's nutes when rooting, but that plant looks way beyond the rooting stage and is now vegatative, thus why I say to add fish emulsion. Good luck, keep us posted.



Well-Known Member
thanks ill keep you guys posted does anyone know when i should transplant it and where i can buy fish emulsion and perilite thanks _keep blazin_


Well-Known Member
As much as I hate to advertise for this evil conglomerate, Wal-Mart carrys both fish emulsion and perilite super cheap.


Well-Known Member
i put some perilite in the bottom/ middle of my soil. i couldnt find any fish emulison. i also increased the distance between the light and the top slightly to help with burning or heat stress. ive yet to transplant it to a bigger pot. any more suggestions. ill post new pics of it soon, i hope it survives and does well. _blaze it_


Well-Known Member
i put some perilite in the bottom/ middle of my soil. i couldnt find any fish emulison. i also increased the distance between the light and the top slightly to help with burning or heat stress. ive yet to transplant it to a bigger pot. any more suggestions. ill post new pics of it soon, i hope it survives and does well. _blaze it_
here my baby is at day 11. i trimmed the dead/ burnt leaves plz comment.:bigjoint: _blaze it_



Well-Known Member
looks like to much nuts. how does the new growth look like.

whats nuts.. do you mean nutes? and these are the most recent pics of it at day 11 you can compare it with the day 9 pics up top so i hope that helps with the new growth thing.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
at the top of your plant and at every bud site it shoud bea light green and darken up as more new growth starts.

Dr. Green Brain

New Member
DON'T FORGET TO PH YOUR WATER!!! It seems like I post this everyday, but that's ok. I had a similar problem and it was fixed by getting an inexpensive PH testing kit an buying some PH Down. Remember, acids bring the PH down, bases bring it up.


Well-Known Member
ill get a ph tester, can you get those at wallmart too? but greenbrain.. or anyone what exactly is my plant's "problem"? thank you : ) for all the help

Dr. Green Brain

New Member
As much as I hate to advertise for this evil conglomerate, Wal-Mart carrys both fish emulsion and perilite super cheap.

AHHH WALMART! LOL! Yes Walmart is evil, and yes you can get stuff there, but you better believe that they are in close with various law enforcment agencies. Probably not a problem if you're just going to buy a few things, but it's always better to find a legit grow/hydroponic store. Establish a relationship with a few of the employees and they will go out of their way to give you solid advice, and most of them will understand that you are growing weed. Plus, you'll be supporting an independant business instead of a totally vile corporation. ALSO, ALWAYS PAY IN CASH no matter what type of grow supplies you get, no matter where you get them.


Well-Known Member
how often do you water fromthe looks of the soil it looks dry.:mrgreen:
thank you.. i watered it and it perked right up.. i also finally transplanted it to a much bigger pot and im using organic soil instead of miracle grow now ill post pics soon.