what to do with BB mutants?

10mm fan boy

Well-Known Member
I gerned some of my DP BB and 1/2 are mutants.
If they turn out to be fem. will they make okay mothers and flowering plants or do I cull these now?


Well-Known Member
Oooo, I grow Blueberry all of the time.



Blueberry has the tendency to be deformed... and hermie horribly..

If you tell me what's up with the plant I can help you out though.

Blueberry is my favourite.


10mm fan boy

Well-Known Member
Oooo, I grow Blueberry all of the time.



Blueberry has the tendency to be deformed... and hermie horribly..

If you tell me what's up with the plant I can help you out though.

Blueberry is my favourite.

Germed 4 out of my 10 seeds.
All came up, but when they started growing their true leaves I could see that 2 of the seedlings were growing deformed leaves.
They have a bad appearance, but if they will give good clones and bud then I don't care.
This is my first time with BB and I look forward to them.
Thanks for your help,


Well-Known Member
Deformed in which way?

Blueberry leaves are known to curl.

Sometimes horribly, but it is still a perfect plant.

But pictures would help.



Active Member
hey man i also grow bb & i have a fem now that when i planted it its 1st set of leaves were defomed. its like they stuck togather to make 1 mutant leaf but thats the only 1 that did it & its been fine since. i wouldnt worry too much just try not to stress the plant & it should be fine. it seems when bb get a little stress it goes mutant on your ass so be carefule with it & if it is herme & it produces some seeds then i would be happy.. free bb seeds !! then you wont need dutch passion anymore


Well-Known Member
I say give it time.

I have seen plenty of weirdos become very healthy girls.

The most I have seen is awkward leaves for three nodes.

Then BAM, all normal.

Blueberry loves to be weird, but it usually works out in the end.



Well-Known Member
I just harvested one with 6 branches at one node, topped just above and it grew great. Grow them and have fun. Easy on the nutes.

